Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Swertia alata
Swertia angustifolia
Swertia angustifolia var. pulchella
Swertia bimaculata
Swertia chirayita
Swertia cincta
Swertia cordata
Swertia cuneata
Swertia dichotoma
Swertia dilatata
Swertia diluta
Swertia iberica
Swertia japonica
Swertia macrosperma
Swertia nervosa
Swertia obtusa
Swertia paniculata
Swertia perennis
Swertia perennis subsp. cuspidata
Swertia perennis subsp. perennis
Swertia petiolata
Swertia pseudochinensis
Swertia punicea
Swertia speciosa
Swertia speciosa var. perfoliata
Swertia tashiroi
Swertia tetrapetala
Swertia tetrapetala subsp. micrantha
Swertia tetrapetala subsp. tetrapetala
Swertia tetrapetala var. yezoalpina
Swertia thomsonii
Swertia tosaensis