Taxa with Images

This page provides a complete list of taxa that have images. Use the controls below to browse and search for images by family, genus, or species.
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Cyathea albidopaleata
Cyathea arborea
Cyathea armata
Cyathea aspera
Cyathea axillaris
Cyathea bicrenata
Cyathea bipinnatifida
Cyathea brunnescens
Cyathea catacampta
Cyathea choricarpa
Cyathea cocleana
Cyathea conjugata
Cyathea corcovadensis
Cyathea delgadii
Cyathea delgadoi
Cyathea dichromatolepis
Cyathea dombeyi
Cyathea fulva
Cyathea grandifolia
Cyathea herzogii
Cyathea horrida
Cyathea integra
Cyathea kalbreyeri
Cyathea lasiosora
Cyathea lechleri
Cyathea lindeniana
Cyathea microdonta
Cyathea microphylla
Cyathea mollis
Cyathea multisegmenta
Cyathea pallescens
Cyathea parvifolia
Cyathea pauciflora
Cyathea petiolata
Cyathea phalerata
Cyathea pilosissima
Cyathea planadae
Cyathea poeppigii
Cyathea pungens
Cyathea robertsiana
Cyathea sagittifolia
Cyathea schiedeana
Cyathea squamipes
Cyathea sternbergii
Cyathea straminea
Cyathea surinamensis
Cyathea tenera
Cyathea uleana
Cyathea ulei
Cyathea williamsii