Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cephalotaxus harringtonia, Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. drupacea, Cephalotaxus harringtonia subsp. koreana, Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. harringtonia, Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. nana, Cephalotaxus harringtonia var. wilsoniana, Cephalotaxus harringtonia subsp. drupacea
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-32 of 32

U.S. National Arboretum Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0049576Meyer, Frederick G. | Ohba, H.   28-19861986-11-17
Japan, Shirakawa, Nishi-izu-machi, Kamo-gun.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0049577Meyer, Frederick G. | Creech, John L. | March, Sylvester G.   173881978-11-24
Japan, Kyushu, Fukuoka Prefecture, Mt. Kosho., 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0049578Meyer, Frederick G. | March, Sylvester G. | Kawase, M. | Nielsen, D.G. | Takahashi, H.   188981982-09-11
Japan, Hokkaido, Togeshita near Rumoi-shi highway 233., 43.53 141.47, 342m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0051012Meyer, Frederick G. | March, Sylvester G. | Kawase, M. | D. Nielsen, D.G. | Takahashi, H.   192491982-10-05
Japan, Kameda-gun, Nanae-machi, Aza-Onuma; Konuma Lake; Road 5, ca. 30 km. north of Hakodate, Oshima Prov., 41.57 140.42

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0115364Ikeda, Toshio   s.n.1992-10-04
Japan, Honshu, Nagano Prefecture, Komoro-shi; Okubo, Nunobiki, along Mamushi-zawa stream., 36.316667 138.383333

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117238Sasaki, Y. | Ohmatsu, S.   TWTW-195922002-05-03
Japan, Nagasaki, Izuhara Town, NE valley of Mt. Ariake, Tsushima Island, 34.211111 129.275, 180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117239Kao, M.T.   83681972-06-22
Taiwan, Honshu, Nagano, Nishikoma.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117240Asano, T. | Atsumi, T.   5131994-05-21
Japan, Yamagata, Kaminoyama-shi, Shobu; Kayataira -- Mt. Funabiki-yama., 38.083333 140.394444, 600m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117241Meyer, Frederick G. | March, Sylvester G.   191501982-09-28
Japan, Tokyo; Planted in Arboretum, Tokyo University Forest, Yamabe, Furano., 43.14 142.24

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117242Ohashi, H. | Ohba, H.   13721978-04-27
Japan, Saitama Pref., Iruma-gun, Kuroyama; C. Honshu, Kooburi Pass, by stream., 300m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0051013Beattie, R. Kent | Kurihara, Yasuo   103731928-09-07
Japan, Honshu

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117244Togashi, Makoto   13531956-08-24
Japan, Tokyo; Hondo: Mt. Zaozan in Echigo.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117245Takahashi, M.   s.n.1980-04-10
Japan, Honshu, Miyagi Prefecture, Natazi-gum, Akyu-machi, Hutakuchi-toge., 900m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117246Endo, Y. | Tateishi, Y.   703081970-03-26
Japan, Honshu, Shizuoka Prefecture, Kamo-gun; Minami-Izu-Machi, Nakagi.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0122200Fogg, John M., Jr.   1966-09-03
United States

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0144887Unknown Collector   

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA00510201985 Expedition to South Korea   38611985-10-21
South Korea, Jeollanam-do, Wando Gun, Wando Island; Kunoe Myon; Kalmun-ri., 34.366667 126.65

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA00510211985 Expedition to South Korea   34771985-09-05
South Korea, Jeollanam-do, Chindo Gun, Uishin Myon; SSanggye-sa (temple)., 34.466667 126.316667, 60m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117220Pyung Sub, Yoon   s.n.1986-06-07
South Korea, Kyomoon-ri, Kyongki-Do, City of Kuri.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0122201Silba, John   B-6212007-04-25
North Korea

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0051015Meyer, Frederick G. | Creech, John L. | March, Sylvester G.   167481978-10-13
Japan, Honshu, Tateyama, Toyama Pref; Kitayamata-gawa., 457m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0051016Perdue, Robert E., Jr.   102591970-11-06
Japan, Tone-Gun, Gumma Prefecture, 6 km. from Minakami Station on the road to cable-car station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0051017Meyer, Frederick G. | Creech, John L. | March, Sylvester G.   169171978-10-22
Japan, Honshu, Daisenji (Town), Tottori Prefecture; Foot of Mt. Daisen., 732m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0066177Ikeda, Toshio   40302004-07-05
Japan, Honshu, Nagano Prefecture, Chikuma-shi; Mt. Kamuriki-yama., 36.466667 138.1

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117195Naito, T. | Endo, Y.   s.n.1983-06-20
Japan, Honshu, Miyagi Prefecture, Kami-gun; Onoda-machi, on the bank along the stream named Ashai-zawa near Mt. Kuromori, alt. c, 400 m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117196Perdue, Robert E., Jr.   102591970-11-06
Japan, Honshu, Gumma Prefecture, Tone-Gun; 6 km. from Minakami Station on the road to cable-car station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117197Ohashi, H. | Tohda, H.   280281988-09-19
Japan, Honshu, Miyagi Prefecture, Hanayama-mura; Nuruyu to Yunokura-onsen spa. Alt. 300-500m., 38.875 140.766667

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117198Takahashi, Hideki   83371988-05-05
Japan, Hokkaido, Kaminokuni-cho, Hiyama-gun; Hiyama-sicho. Yunotai. Along the Kaminosawa River. Alt. 100-200m.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018925Keng, H.   s.n.1954-03-10
Taiwan, Chitau, Nantau.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117215Kiang, T. | Lo, H.C.   KT-91970-11-20
Taiwan, NTU Expt. Forest, Forest Comp. No. 3.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117216Huang, T.C.   80391978-04-06
Taiwan, Miaoli, Anmashan, along mountainous road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0117217Chuang, C.C. | Kao, M.T.   25511964-01-21
Taiwan, Mt. Nan-hu, Ilan Hsien., 2800m

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