NA0004675 McNaull, Sarah s.n. 1994-05-10
United States, District of Columbia, U.S. National Arboretum, meadow of the Elipse.
NA0016055 Headen, L. | Young, R. 8 2000-04-28
United States, Maryland, Prince George's County, 1.5 Mi. E of Baltimore/Washington Parkway; On Powder Mill Rd; in an unmowed area of turf, S of building 580.
NA0016060 Headen, L. | Young, R. 3 2000-03-10
United States, Maryland, Prince George's County, 1.5 Mi. E of Baltimore/Washington Parkway; On Powder Mill Rd; in the edge of a wooded area near the S sediment pond.
NA0030211 Train, Percy 4092 1940-06-21
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Nevada, Cottonwood Creek Canyon, Wassuk Range, Mt. Grant road, Mineral Co., 2286m
NA0030212 Train, Percy 4068 1940-06-19
United States, Nevada, Cottonwood Creek Canyon., 2134m
NA0030213 Train, Percy 4220 1940-07-03
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Nevada, Mineral County, Head of n. Cat Canyon, w. side Mt. Grant, Wassuk Range., 2743m
NA0030214 Train, Percy 4252 1940-07-05
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Nevada, Mineral County, Agnes D. Mine Canyon, S. fork of Cottonwood Canyon, near Murray Placer Camp, N. slope Mt. Grant,., 2682m
NA0030215 Train, Percy 4236 1940-07-04
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Nevada, Mineral County, Laphan Meadows, w. slope of Mount Grant, Wassuk Range., 2743m
NA0030216 Train, Percy 4312 1940-07-10
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Nevada. Mineral Co. Big Indiand Creek, (near old 2 stamp mill), s. slope Mt. Grant, Wassuk Range., 2682m
NA0030217 Train, Percy 4161 1940-06-25
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Nevada. Mineral Co. 2-3 miles above Murray Camp, head of Cottonwood Canyon, Mt. Grant road, Wassuk Range., 2591m
NA0030218 Train, Percy 2773 1939-05-20
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, Vya Spring; Vya Spring, Vya, n. Washoe Co.
NA0030219 Train, Percy 3892 1940-05-30
United States, Nevada, White Pine County, Schellbourne, w. slope Schellbourne Pass, n. end Shell Cr. Range, White Pine Co, Nevada.
NA0030220 Train, Percy 3359 1939-08-14
United States, Nevada, Nye County, Head of Ophir Creek, e. Slope of Toiyabe Range, Nye Co.
NA0030221 Train, Percy 3283 1939-07-09
United States, Nevada, Ormsby County, South Shore Meadow of Marlette Lake, Sierra Nevada Range, Ormsby Co.
NA0030222 Train, Percy 3348 1939-08-14
United States, Nevada, Nye County, Head of Cphir Creek, e. slope of Toiyabe Range, Nye Co., 2926m
NA0030223 Miller, Loretta R. 143 1937-06-21
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, Meadow 2 miles E of Incline, Lake Tahoe, Washoe Co.
NA0030224 Miller, Loretta R. 47 1937-05-21
United States, Nevada, Clear Creek road, near Carson City., 1524m
NA0030225 Muehlenbach, V. 2105 1963-06-22
United States, Missouri, North St. Louis frieght yard of the Burlington Railroad, south of the station building towards the main track.
NA0030226 Muehlenbach, V. 529 1955-04-30
United States, Missouri, Right-of-way of the Burlington Railroad, between Branch and Desterhan Streets.
NA0030227 Muehlenbach, V. 558 1955-05-08
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, St. Louis; Right-of-way of the Terminal Railroad Association, west of Shreve Avenue.
NA0030228 Muehlenbach, V. 2100 1963-06-09
United States, Missouri, St. Louis, St. Louis; North St. Louis freight yard of the Burlington Railroad, south of te station building.
NA0030229 Adams, T.C. 190 1938-08-02
United States, Nevada, Storey County, Nevada, Storey County, 1/2 mile southeast of Mt. Davidson., 1951m
NA0030268 Breitung, August J. 177 1939-06-22
Canada, Saskatchewan, Ottawa, Saskatchewan, Ottawa, 4 mi. west, 5 mi. south of McKague.
NA0030269 Buchheister, Harriet s.n. 1971-07-00
United States, Maine, Matinicus Rock Light., 43.78564 -68.853089, 15m
NA0030270 Hatch, S.L. | Johnston, M.C. 6266 1993-05-21
United States, Texas, Potter County, Amarillo; Amarillo, I-40 E with the juction of Lakeside Drive. N side of feeder road.
NA0030271 Richardson, Carla A. | Henderson, Doug 332 1996-06-19
United States, Oregon, Wallowa County, West slope of Joseph Canyon, 11 mi. s of OR-WA state line on OR Hwy. 3. S36 T5N R44E., 1341m
NA0030272 Allen, Roy A. 129 1937-06-12
United States, Nevada, Lyon County, 2 mi. w. of Silver City, American Flat Canyon, Lyon Co., 1524m
NA0030273 Godding, F.S. | Henning, W.H. 1016 1937-08-05
United States, Nevada, Lander County, Vicinity of Mill Cr. Ranch, 27 mi. S of Battle Mt, on Battle mountain-Austin road, Lander Co.
NA0030274 Train, Percy 1019 1937-09-14
United States, Nevada, White Pine County, Cave Cr. Meadows, lower end of canyon, Shell Cr. Range, White Pine Co., 2195m
NA0030275 Breene, T.L.
United States, Nevada, Humboldt County, detailed locality information protected
NA0030276 Archer, W. Andrew 7066 1938-09-11
United States, Nevada, Mineral County, Spring at headwaters of Cory Creek, Wassuk Range, Mineral Co., 2743m
NA0030277 Larivers, I. | Hancock, N.F. 584 1937-06-30
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Harris Springs, 9 mi. ese. of Charleston Peak, Spring Mts, Clark Co., 1829m
NA0030278 Nichols, N.E. | Lund, L. 457 1937-07-18
United States, Nevada, Elko County, N slope of Merit Mt; 15 mi. NE of Mountain CIty, Elko Co., 2073m
NA0030279 Henning, W.H. 123 1937-09-14
United States, Nevada, Nye County, North Fork of Twin River Canyon, 10 mi. S of Millet, Nye Co.
NA0030280 Train, Percy 2114 1938-07-07
United States, Nevada, Clark County, E. side of Lee Canyon, Charleston Mts. Clark Co., 2438m
NA0030281 Moore, B.O. | Franklin, G.E. 655 1937-06-17
United States, Nevada, White Pine County, Fish Creek, 9 mi. SE of McGill, White Pine Co., 2134m
NA0030282 Archer, W. Andrew 5472 1937-06-28
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, Tahoe Nat. Forest, Public Camp Grounds at Galena Creek, Washoe Co, 8 mi. W of Reno Hot Springs; Pine Belt., 1859m
NA0030283 Train, Percy 3900 1940-05-30
United States, Nevada, White Pine County, Schellbourne, w. slope Schellbourne Pass, n. end Shell Cr. Range, White Pine Co, Nevada., 2134m
NA0030284 Lehenbauer, P.A. s.n. 1927-06-15
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, Dog Valley Grade, Washoe Co.
NA0030285 Lehenbauer, P.A. s.n. 1935-06-13
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, Near Sparks Highway, Washoe Co.
NA0030286 Lehenbauer, P.A. s.n. 1935-05-31
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, 5 mi. w. of Verdi, Washoe Co.
NA0030287 Clokey, Ira W. 8267 1939-07-17
United States, Nevada, Clark County, Griffith's Mine., 2400m
NA0030288 Duran, Victor 2763 1930-06-20
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda County, Chiatovich Creek, Esmeralda County, Nevada., 2286m
NA0030289 Duran, Victor 2763 1930-06-20
United States, Nevada, Esmeralda County, Chiatovich Creek., 2286m
NA0030290 Unknown Collector s.n.
NA0030291 Edmondson, J.R. 606 1971-06-30
Turkey, A4 Kastamonu: Ilgaz Daglari, 35 km S of Kastamonu. Forest margin, limestone slope just E of pass top. UTM Grid Ref.: WL 63 46., 41.133333 33.75, 1770m
NA0030292 Furuse, Miyoshi 6473 1974-07-21
Japan, Near the sea, in the vicinity of Choobushi-numa Toyokoro-choo. Nakagawa-gun. Prov. Tokachi Hokkaido (Yezo) Japan.
NA0030293 Furuse, Miyoshi 6616 1974-07-30
Japan, Tomoshiri Nemuro-shi Prov. Nemuro Hokkaido (Yezo).
NA0030294 Yao, Kan 8326 1982-05-11
China, Jiangsu, Wild in the garden of Bot. Inst.
NA0030295 Yao, Kan 8286 1982-04-14
China, Jiangsu, Vicinity of Jiangsu Bot. Inst.
NA0030296 Hayasaka, Eisuke | Yonekura, Koji | Fukuda, Tatsuya 1490 1995-06-17
Japan, Honshu, Miyagi, Oshika-gun; Northern Honshu, Miyagi Pref, Oshika-gun, Oshika-cho, Komagamine., 38.3 141.516667, - 320m
NA0030297 Tanaka, K. | Stou, A. 70211 1996-07-02
Japan, Hokkaido, Abasiri County, Shari-gunn; Japan: Hokkaido Abasiri Co. Shari-gunn Shari., 44 145
NA0030298 Tanaka, K. | Stou, A. 62805 1996-06-28
Japan, Hokkaido, Iburi County, Shiraoi-gunn; Hokkaido Iburi Co. Shiraoi-gunn Shiraoi.
NA0030299 Koelz, Walter 5073 1933-07-05
India, Kolung, Lahul, Kangra, Punjab., 3353m
NA0030300 Stewart, R.R. 171 1891-05-24
NA0030301 Stewart, R.R. 9123 1926-06-00
Pakistan, Punjab, Chaagla Fali, Murree Hills., 2438m
NA0041084 Wright, John | Bull, George H. s.n. 1838-06-20
United States, Michigan, Washtenaw County, Ann Arbor [probably], 42.2814 -83.7485
NA0041085 Palmer, Edward 487 1877-00-00
United States, Southern Utah, northern Arizona, &c.
NA0041086 Macoun, John 49 1872-09-02
Canada, Athabasca Plains.
NA0041087 Rule, S.H. s.n. 1876-08-00
United States, Kentucky, Lexington; Lexington, Kentucky.
NA0041088 Clinton, G.W. s.n.
United States, New York, Buffalo; Buffalo, New York.
NA0041089 Martindale, Isaac C. s.n. 1865-05-00
United States, Pennsylvania, Philadelphia County, Byberry.
NA0041090 Kennedy, P.B. 985 1905-08-17
United States, Nevada, Washoe County, Nevada, By camp, Mt. Rose, Washoe Co.
NA0041091 Martindale, Isaac C. s.n. 1876-07-00
United States, New Jersey, Camden County, Camden; Camden, New Jersey.
NA0041092 Koelz, Walter 5501 1933-07-12
India, Kargia, Kaskar, Kashmir., 4115m
NA0041093 Lavin, M. SW27 1980-06-09
United States, Nevada, Douglas County, 6.5 mi S on Desert Cr. Rd. from Rt. 22 (just S of Wellington NV); T 9N, R 24E, Sect. 19, 1890m
NA0041094 Hart, E.W. B-7 1939-05-20
Canada, Manitoba, Ottawa, Vicinity of Winnipeg.
NA0041095 Fleetwood, R.J. s.n. 1936-05-08
United States, Kentucky, Massac Creek area.
NA0041096 Goodding, Leslie N. | Goodding, B. 250 1938-07-29
United States, Utah, In wet places in steep rock draw above Kyune.
NA0041097 Munz, P.A. 14087 1949-07-19
United States, California, Tulare County, California, Tulare County, Plants of Sierra Nevada. Scattered on moist banks of creek, in subalpine forrest, Rock Creek, west of Army Pass.
NA0041098 Hitchcock, C.L. | Martin, J.S. 3502 1938-05-28
United States, Washington, Clallam County, Washington, Clallam County, 4 mi. south of Cape Flattery, Clallam County.
NA0041099 Ferris, Roxana S. 9949 1940-07-08
United States, Arizona, Cochise County, Iris meadow, Rustler Park, Chiricahua Mountains, Cochise County, Arizona.
NA0041100 Eggleston, W.W. 8259 1912-07-07
United States, Utah, Garfield County, Cottonwood Creek, Sevier Forest, Garfield County, Rangers Station. Utah., 2400 - 2900m
NA0041101 Small, John K. | Heller, A.A. s.n. 1891-05-25
United States, Pennsylvania, Lebanon County, Collected in the South Mountain, near Penryn, Lebanon County, PA.
NA0041102 Beetle, A.A. | Stebbins, G.L., Jr. 3386 1942-05-30
United States, California, Siskiyou County, Siskiyou County, at Weed, near habitations.
NA0041103 Gould, Frank W. 12384 1967-05-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Boulder; Growing as weed at edge of parking area of International Pancake House, Boulder.
NA0041104 Gould, Frank W. 24612 1967-05-20
United States, Colorado, Boulder County, Boulder; Along lower border of large mountian meadow at western edge of Boulder.
NA0041105 Gentry, Johnnie L. | Davidse, Gerrit 1887 1967-08-12
United States, Nevada, Humboldt County, Humboldt Co.: Santa Rosa Range, Humboldt National Forest, northeast of Winnemucca. 2.5 miles up Lye Creek Road. T.44N. R. 39E. S.22., 2438m
NA0041106 Unknown Collector s.n. 1866-06-12
United States, New Jersey, Camden County, Camden; Ship yard, Kaighus Point, Camden, New Jersey.
NA0045016 Freeman, O.M. s.n. 1936-05-20
United States, District of Columbia, U.S. National Arboretum, Near N80, E102 of the 1934 topographic survey,.
NA0115071 Cohen, Ed 23 2003-07-12
United States, Minnesota, Freeborn County, Albert Lea; Off I-90W.
NA0118677 Walker, E. Perot 493 1937-07-14
Canada, Newfoundland and Labrador, Port Manvers., 57 -61.5
NA0119073 Mexía, Ynés 7938 1936-03-14
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, East coast, 54 S; Viamonte; S of Cabo Penas., 7m
NA0119074 Mexía, Ynés 7938 1936-03-14
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, East coast, 54 S; Viamonte; S of Cabo Penas., 7m
NA0119075 Dollenz A., O. 1329 1983-02-08
Chile, Peninsula de Brunswick, Laguna el Parrillar.
NA0119152 Goodall, R.N.P. 1526 1968-02-23
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Estancia La Marina; Forested plains N of mts. small stream through vega to gravelly banks of Rio Menendez.
NA0119153 Moore, D.M. 1479 1968-01-13
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, NW coast of Bahia San Sebastian; roadside.
NA0119154 Pisano V., E. 2380 1970-02-08
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Est. Rio Hondo.
NA0052333 Kutaf'ef, V.P. | Shmakov, A.I. s.n. 1981-06-03
Russia, Siberia, Altai, Shebalinsk Region; Near the village of Ust'-Muna, across the bank of the Katun' river. Slope of the Northwest Expedition.
NA0684279 Headland, R.K. 573 1980-02-22
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, King Edward Point, near track passing Neerdrum No. 3., 3m