Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Eriocoma occidentalis subsp. californica (Achnatherum occidentale subsp. californicum)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Arboretum Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091289Vanderwal, D.J.   2941941-08-10
United States, California, Sierra County, Yuba pass on Cal. 49 about 7 miles W of Sattley.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091290Robertson, J.H.   1321940-06-27
United States, Nevada, Elko County, 1.5 miles above Clover Cr. SS on Angel Lake Road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091291Swallen, Jason R.   7031927-07-01
United States, California, Above Lake Arrowhead, San Bernardino.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091292Carlson, N.   N-201939-06-10
United States, Nevada, Douglas County, Pine Nut Mountains.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091293Howell, John T.   279661951-07-19
United States, California, Tulare County, Monarch Lakes Trail.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091294Robertson, J.H.   1021940-06-19
United States, Nevada, Elko County, 1 mile SE of Clover Cr, SS on Angle Lake road.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091295Train, Percy   7021937-08-10
United States, Nevada, Elko County, Between Coon Creek & Bear Creek, 4 miles N of Ranger Station.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091296Wheeler, Louis C.   30011934-07-27
United States, Oregon, Jackson County, Sec. 19, T 40, R 1 E, WM, Grouse Creek.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091297Ferris, Roxana S.   110301945-08-04
United States, California, Mono County, South side of Masonic Peak 1.5 miles from Masonic Spring on road to Bodie.

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0091298Stebbins, G.L.   31741941-07-16
United States, California, Placer County, 1 mile west of Cisco Grove.

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