Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Valeriana laurifolia (Valeriana pavonii)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8

U.S. National Arboretum Herbarium

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018157Balls, Edward K.   B75131939-08-11
Colombia, Putumayo, El Encavo., 3658m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018317Steyermark, Julian A.   1006691968-01-11
Venezuela, Estado Tachira; cabeceras del rio Quinimari, arriba de la Quebrada Las Copas al pie del penasco de LAs Copas, 15 km al sur de San Vincente de la Revancha, 30 kms al sur de Alquitrana, suroeste de Santa Ana., 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018318Barclay, Arthur S. | Juajibioy, Pedro | Gama, José   33721972-05-05
Colombia, Cundinamarca, SW of Bogota on road between Sibate and San Miguel, between kilometer markers 33 and 34., 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018319Barclay, Arthur S. | Juajibioy, Pedro | Gama, José   37851976-03-23
Colombia, Cundinamarca, SW of Bogota on road between Sibate and San Miguel, between kilometer markers 33 and 34., 2700m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018320Steyermark, Julian A. | Dunsterville, G.C.K. | Dunsterville, E.   986941967-05-22
Venezuela, Tachira, selva nublaada humeda, faldas debajo del PAaramo de Tama cerca de la frontera Colombo-venezolana arriba de Betania y Tama, cerca de la Quebrada Buena Vista., 2300 - 2450m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018154Steyermark, Julian A.   1006561968-01-11
Venezuela, Estado Tachira; cabeceras del rio quinmari arriba de la Quebrada LAs Copas, al pie del penasco de " Las Copas" debajo del Paramo de Judio) 15 kms al sur de San vincente de la revancha 30 kms al sur de alquitrana suroeste de Santa Ana., 2500m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018155Dudley, Theodore R.   117091968-08-15
Peru, Ayacucho, La Mar, eastern massif of the Cordillera Central opposing the COrdillera Vilcabamba between Tambo, San Miguel, Ayna and the Hacienda Luisiana., -12.7 -73.783333, 800m

Image Associated With the Occurence
NA0018156Dudley, Theodore R.   118771968-08-20
Peru, Ayacucho, La Mar, eastern massif of the Cordillera Central opposing the COrdillera Vilcabamba between Tambo, San Miguel, Ayna and the Hacienda Luisiana 25km wqalking distance sw of HAcienda Luisiana and the Apurmac River about 12 km from the Hacienda Santa Rosa about 25 km from TAmbo., -12.716667 -73.833333, 1570m

Page 1, records 1-8 of 8


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