NA0050464 Loizeau, P.-A. | Meroz, J. | Shamir, E. | Chatelain, C. | Cuccodoro, G. 713 1988-08-24
Peru, Loreto, Jenaro Herrera, -4.983333 -73.766667, 120m
NA0050470 Loizeau, P.-A. 325 1985-10-10
Peru, Loreto, Jenaro Herrera, -4.916667 -73.75, 125m
NA0050475 Balls, Edward K. B7415 1939-08-16
Colombia, Cundinamarca, City of Bogota, Collected below San Miguel, near Bogota, Department of Cundinamarca., 3353m
NA0050461 Buchtien, O. 1185 1927-01-00
Bolivia, Mapirir, City of San Carlos, 850m
NA0050462 Buchtien, O. 1185 1927-01-00
Bolivia, Mapirir, City of San Carlos, 850m
NA0050465 Pinkus, Albert S. 160 1939-01-09
Venezuela, Collected near Mount Roraima, Venezuela, on southwestern slopes., 2347m
NA0050457 Dudley, Theodore R. 10791 1968-07-04
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención, Collected about half way between Camp 4 and Camp 5., -12.616667 -73.533333, 2600 - 2750m
NA0050458 Dudley, Theodore R. 10768 1968-07-04
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención, Collected in reduced elfin forest (very wet) along top of a steep ridge (Ceja), around clearings at Camp 4, down to Camp 3., -12.616667 -73.55, 2660 - 2300m
NA0050459 Dudley, Theodore R. 10968 1968-07-11
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención, Monte Chico; Collected about one kilometer above Camp 5 (monte Chico)., -12.616667 -73.533333, 2900m
NA0050460 Dudley, Theodore R. 10723 1968-07-04
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención, Collected around clearings at Camp 4., -12.616667 -73.55, 2660m
NA0050466 Stork, H.E. | Horton, O.B. 10124 1938-12-10
Peru, Cajamarca, Cutervo, City of Socota; Collected 10 km northwest of Socota, near the edge of Ceja de la Montana., 3200m
NA0021945 Weskne, J. | Sanchez, M. 12489 1969-08-21
Peru, Huánuco, SW Slope of the Rio Llullapichis Watershed on the Ascent of Cerros Del Sira; in dense, reduced elfin forest (monte chico) on ultimate summit (cumbre) of the Sira., -9.416667 -74.683333, 2390m
NA0050471 Grant, Martin L. 9635 1944-07-22
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Cundinamarca, Collected east side of the Palmarito Valley, 6 km east of Gutierrez, 50 km south of Bogota., 2350m
NA0050469 Barclay, Arthur S. | Fernandez-Perez, Alvaro 3711 1974-02-04
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Santander, Municipality of Los Santos; Collected near Mesa Los Santos, 4.5 miles south of Los Santos. on road to Los Santos., 1700m
NA0050468 Fosberg, F. Ray 20897 1943-08-24
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Del Meta, Collected near Rio dle Nevado, not far from the confluence with Rio Grande (?), east end of Cordillera de Las Cruces., 3.933333 -73.833333, 2300m
NA0050472 Grant, Martin L. 10014 1944-08-29
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Meta, Collected near Quebrada Playon, Rio Manzanares Valley, 20 km west of La Esperanza and 73 km west of Villavicencio., 1200 - 2000m
NA0050473 Grant, Martin L. 10014 1944-08-29
Colombia, Cordillera Oriental, Department of Meta, Collected near Quebrada Playon, Rio Manzanares Valley, 20 km west of La Esperanza and 42 km west of Villavicencio., 1200 - 2000m
NA0050474 Hurtado, R. 25 1943-06-00
Peru, Cuzco, La Convención, Municipality of Inza; Collected near Tierra Adentro (Silvia-Inza region, RIo Paez drainage and paramos to west of it), San Andres, toward Paramo de las Moras from Inza.