NA0002071 Zöllner, Otto 6566 1973-01-08
Chile, Nuble, Baths of Chillan; near the baths of Chillan., 2000m
NA0003163 Zöllner, Otto 5776 1971-12-30
Chile, Curico, Lake Planchon., 2200m
NA0003182 Rossow, R. | Carrique, M.C. | Gomez, R. 1367 1982-01-20
Argentina, Neuquen, Alumine, parte O. (W) del cordon de Ruca Choroi., 2200m
NA0003174 Goodall, R.N.P. 605 1967-01-23
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Paso Girabaldi., -54 -67, 488m
NA0002106 Cheeseman, T.F. s.n. 1880-01-00
New Zealand, South Island, Mt Torlesse, Canterbury Alps., 1067m
NA0002086 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1373A 1971-11-04
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Islaaa de Los Estados, Bahia Capita Canepa; from sea level to the first of series of interconneected Laqunass boundede on both sides by 1000ft cliffs on western side of Bahia Capitian Canepa., -54.833333 -64.5, 61m
NA0002087 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1444 1971-11-04
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Islaaa de Los Estados, Bahia Capita Canepa; from sea level to the first of series of interconneected Laqunass boundede on both sides by 1000ft cliffs on western side of Bahia Capitian Canepa., -54.833333 -64.5, 122m
NA0003179 Goodall, R.N.P. 3437 1971-02-13
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, from camp at tree line in E branch of Rio Remolino up W side of Mt. Wood to summit., -54 -67, 762m
NA0003180 Goodall, R.N.P. 4228 1972-05-02
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Monte Portillo, very high mountain valley at foot of peaks., -54 -68, 853m
NA0002108 Petrie, D.M. s.n.
New Zealand, Mt Kerrow., 1219m
NA0426481 Cheeseman, T.F. s.n. 1878-01-00
New Zealand, Lake Rotoiti, Nelson., 549m
NA0002109 Cheeseman, T.F. s.n. 1848-01-00
New Zealand, Lake Rotoiti, Nelson., 549m
NA0003181 Zöllner, Otto 5483 1972-01-29
Chile, Bio Bio, Chacayes; Lake Laja., 1500m
NA0002072 Dollenz A., O. 775 1980-02-21
Chile, Patagonia, Isla Wollaston; Caleta lientur., -55.733333 -67.316667
NA0002073 Pisano V., E. 3252 1971-11-13
Chile, Tierra del Fuego, Est. "Miguelito, PTO. Yartou.
NA0002075 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1198 1971-11-02
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isle de Los Estados; abundant locally and saxatile on wet sea cliffs at back of beach., -54.833333 -64.416667, 122m
NA0002076 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1268 1971-11-02
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla De Los Estados, Bahia Liberity; Behind and the Northern end of beach exposure southerly; at Bahia Liberity the long narrow bay due west and opposite the northwesterly tip of Ite. Alexander., -54.833333 -64.416667, 30m
NA0002077 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1268 1971-11-02
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla De Los Estados, Bahia Liberity; Behind and the Northern end of beach exposure southerly; at Bahia Liberity the long narrow bay due west and opposite the northwesterly tip of Ite. Alexander., -54.833333 -64.416667, 30m
NA0002078 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1285 1971-11-02
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla de Los Estados, Bahia Liberty; behind beach directly in the center exposure easterly at Bahia Liberty the long Narrow bay due west and opposite the northwesterly tip of Ite. Alexander., -54.834444 -64.416667, 122m
NA0002079 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1500 1971-11-06
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla De Los Estados, Bahia Flinders; overlooking beach on first long sandy headland overtoppeeeed by Mte. Spegazzini and Mtes Bove to the east sdie of Bahia Flinders directly to the south of Cabo San Antonio., -54.766667 -64.533333
NA0002080 Goodall, R.N.P. 2715 1970-11-27
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Estancia Harberton.
NA0002081 Goodall, R.N.P. 2509 1970-11-11
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Paso Garibaldi Half Way Down Pass.
NA0002082 Goodall, R.N.P. 3810 1971-03-27
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Monte Dalla Vedova; western end of the Rio Rojas Valley (behind Lago Roca).
NA0002111 Zöllner, Otto 5480 1972-02-03
Chile, Cautin, In the pass of Lolco., 1800m
NA0003148 Zöllner, Otto 7400 1974-02-21
Chile, Aysen, On the mountain Catillo, near Rio Ibanez.
NA0003164 Zöllner, Otto 12291 1985-02-05
Sierra Leone, Aysen, in Reservea forestal Verro Castillo., 800m
NA0003183 Rossow, R. | Gomez, R. 367 1981-02-20
Argentina, Rio Negro, Bariloche; cerro Lopez.
NA0003184 Zöllner, Otto 4968 1970-12-31
Chile, Curico, High Cordillera.
NA0003185 Correa, M.N. 5954 1974-02-23
Argentina, Neuquen, Locar, Chapelco; en el filo encima del refugio., 1800 - 1870m
NA0002083 Morrison, J.L. 17405 1938-12-29
Chile, Aconcagua, Los Andes, Cerro Chache; 5 hours by horse southeast of Patagua Mine, ca 18km east of La Ligua., 1800m
NA0002084 Zöllner, Otto 10652 1979-12-08
Chile, Valparaiso, Las Vizcachas., 1500m
NA0002085 Morrison, J.L. 16977 1938-12-21
Chile, Coquimbo, Illapel, Cerro La Yerba Loca; north of pass 2 hours by horse east of La Vega Escondida., 3400m
NA0002110 Cheeseman, T.F. s.n. 1880-01-00
New Zealand, Arthurs Pass; Canterbury Alps., 1372m
NA0002107 Cheeseman, T.F. s.n.
New Zealand, Mts above Warian Gorge., 1829m
NA0003171 Goodall, R.N.P. 1170 1968-01-11
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Almanza Mountain., -54 -67, 792m
NA0003172 Goodall, R.N.P. 1281 1968-01-17
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Mountain to W of Paso Garibaldi on ruta 3., -54 -67, 914m
NA0003173 Goodall, R.N.P. 1351 1968-02-03
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Mount Lincoln Constance; In Lashifashaj River Valley; W of pink mountain, east of Cornu., -54 -67
NA0003175 Goodall, R.N.P. 3436 1971-02-13
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, from camp at tree line on E branch of Rio Remolino up W side of Mt. Wood to summit., -54 -67, 762m
NA0003176 Goodall, R.N.P. 2786 1970-12-04
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Alpine Valley Below Glacier on Montes Martial; rounded glacial valley., -54 -68, 610m
NA0003177 Rossow, R. | Juliano, R. | Gomez, R. 2091 1984-01-15
Argentina, Neuquen, Lacar, lago Queni.
NA0003178 Correa, M.N. 9351 1985-12-16
Argentina, Neuquen, Lacar.
NA0003165 Dollenz A., O. 962 1982-01-14
Chile, Brunswick Peninsula, Laguna el Parrillar (al norte)., 550m
NA0003166 Dollenz A., O. 725 1980-02-16
Chile, Isla Wollaston, Caleta Lientur., -55.733333 -67.316667
NA0003167 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1339 1971-11-03
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla de los Estados, Bahia Capitan Canepa; On the mountain range lying between the eastern most inlet of Bahia Capitan Canepa and Bahia Liberty, the long, narrow bay due west and opposite the north-westerly tip of Ite. Alexander., -54.85 -64.433333, 549m
NA0003168 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1373B 1971-11-04
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla de los Estados, Bahia Capitan Canepa., -54.833333 -64.5, 61m
NA0003169 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1717 1971-11-10
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla de los Estados, Puerto Parry., -54.801389 -64.383333, 305m
NA0003170 Dudley, Theodore R. | Goodall, R.N.P. | Crow, G. 1774 1971-11-11
Argentina, Tierra del Fuego, Isla de los Estados, Puerto Parry; Mte. Fantasma, to the SE of innermost bay of Puerto Parry., -54.816667 -64.35, 457m