NA0521012 Deam, Chas C. 62076 1942-10-06
United States
NA0687520 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2680 2009-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, McCurtain County, S side of E 1750/Beachton Rd and along scour prairie along E side of Beech Creek at bridge ~ 8 miles E of Smithville., 34.48675 -94.53913, 239m
NA0687550 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2681 2009-10-05
United States, Oklahoma, Le Flore County, N side of Hwy 144 ~ 6.5 miles W of intersection with Hwy 259, W of Octavia., 34.52879 -94.78332, 302m
NA0687519 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2682 2009-10-06
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery County, Both sides of Natl Forest Rd 520 S of Mt Ida, Ouachita Natl Forest. Accessed via Williams Creek Rd/520 Rd ~ 2.6 miles E of the SE intersection of Hwys 27 and 270., 34.51857 -93.61885, 271m
NA0687518 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2684 2009-10-06
United States, Arkansas, Montgomery County, Ouachita National Forest, N side of Hwy 298 between the bridges over Irons Fork Creek, ~6 miles E of intersection with Hwy 27 at Story, 34.69139 -93.41345, 198m
NA0687517 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2685 2009-10-07
United States, Arkansas, Conway County, N side of Winrock Dr/County Hwy 5 ~ 3.25 miles NW of intersection with Hwy 154, SW of Morrilton., 35.14674 -92.9019, 277m
NA0687516 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2688 2009-10-08
United States, Arkansas, Boone County, Baker Prairie Natural Preserve, permission required Arkansas Natural Heritage Commission, W side of Goblin Drive across from Harrison Middle School, ~ 0.5 miles N of Hwy 392, Harrison., 36.24171 -93.13509, 374m
NA0687515 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2689 2009-10-08
United States, Missouri, Howell County, Both sides (primarily E) of County Rd 9790 ~ 3/4 miles N of Hwy 63 NW of Brandsville., 36.66346 -91.69563, 278m
NA0687514 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2690 2009-10-09
United States, Arkansas, Greene County, Both sides of County Rd 131 and into pine woods W of Pine Hill Cemetery close to 1.0 miles SW of County Rd 128, ~ 2.5 air miles SW of Lafe, NW of Paragould., 36.18627 -90.5509, 124m
NA0687513 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2691 2009-10-09
United States, Arkansas, Greene County, S side of County Rd 131, ~ 0.25 miles W of intersection with County Rd 128, ~ 2.5 air miles SW of Lafe, NW of Paragould., 36.18951 -90.54416, 101m
NA0687512 Seiler, Gerald | Marek, Laura 2692 2009-10-09
United States, Missouri, Carter County, Mark Twain National Forest, both sides of County Rd. C-213, 0.25 miles E of intersection with Hwy C, ca. 7 miles SE of intersection with Hwy 60, 36.89804 -91.03013, 272m
NA0687511 Marek, Laura | Seiler, Gerald 2694 2010-11-09
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita Parish, N side of Bogalusa Rd, W of pine plantation, hunting club property gate, ~1000 feet E of Sam Head Rd, S of State Hwy 34, SE of Monroe., 32.985833 -91.769444, 39m
NA0687510 Marek, Laura | Seiler, Gerald 2694 2010-11-09
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita Parish, N side of Bogalusa Rd, W of pine plantation, hunting club property gate, ~1000 feet E of Sam Head Rd, S of State Hwy 34, SE of Monroe., 32.985833 -91.769444, 39m
NA0687509 Marek, Laura | Seiler, Gerald 2695 2010-11-09
United States, Louisiana, Ouachita Parish, Both sides of Tom Rawls Rd, ~1000 feet S of Red Cut Rd and the Luna Methodist Church, E of State Hwy 557, SW of Monroe., 32.325556 -92.208056
NA0687508 Marek, Laura | Seiler, Gerald 2698 2010-11-11
United States, Louisiana, Allen Parish, LeBlanc Savanna Natural Area, W side of Methodist Camp Rd, N from Hwy 190, W of Kinder., 30.535556 -92.947778, 12m
NA0687507 Marek, Laura | Seiler, Gerald 2699 2010-11-11
United States, Louisiana, Allen Parish, Louisiana Natural Area, accessed from Esse Arden Rd, E from Geeter Parker Rd, E of Snooky's Rd, S of Hwy 190 W of Kinder., 30.511111 -92.991667, 5m