Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Psathyrella uliginicola
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 779348McKnight, K. H.   110181968-09-05
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park Pacific Creek, at side of logs of cottonwood

BPI 779349McKnight, K. H.; Anderson, F.   KHM116461969-09-01
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Ashley National Forest, Moon Lake Dam well-rotted aspen log

BPI 779350McKnight, K. H.   109571968-08-28
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park Cattle bridge on Snake River, by aspen log

BPI 779355McKnight, K. H.; Moser, M.   830826111983-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, Reid Mountain Ridge under Populus tremuloides

BPI 779356McLaughlin, S.   109171968-08-23
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park Cattle bridge on Snake River, by aspen log

BPI 903875McKnight K.H.   8609091511986-09-09
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park wy

BPI 903882Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-05
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek; Grand Teton National Park wy On soil; Picea/ Populus forest

BPI 903898Plaskowitz, J.   1982-07-15
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Reid Mtn. Ridge; Grand Teton National Park wy on soil; Populus tremuloides woods

BPI 903899Plaskowitz, J.   1982-06-07
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Upper Pacific Creek, Teton National Forest wy on soil in Picea & Populus forest

BPI 903909McKnight, K.H.   820705091982-07-05
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Reid Mtn. Ridge; Grand Teton National Park wy on soil; Populus tremuloides forest

BPI 903947Plaskowitz J.   1982-06-21
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek; Moran wy Under Populus

BPI 904326McKnight, K.H.   1965-07-06
United States, Lamar Valley, Elk Trap on soil at edge of rotting aspen log

BPI 904327McKnight, K.H.; Welch, G.   1955-08-06
United States, Utah, Moon Lake ut Aspen-Spruce Lodgepole

BPI 904331McKnight, K.H.; Beck, D.E.   1949-07-02
United States, Utah, Utah, Near Summit of Timp. Loop Road from Aspen Grove to American Fork Canyon ut moist soil along side of well rotted logs of Populus

BPI 904336McKnight, K.H.   1957-07-26
United States, Utah, Duchesne, Moon Lake Lodge ut along side well-rotted log in Aspen Lodgepole Pine forest

BPI 904337McKnight, J. B.   1965-07-06
United States, Elk Trap, Lamar Valley at edge of aspen log, on soil

BPI 904338McKnight, J. B.   1965-06-14
United States, Wyoming, Teton, north end of Jackson Lake, Grand Teton Nat. Park wy on duff under Aspen

BPI 904355McKnight, J.B.   1965-07-06
United States, Lamar Valley Elk Trap at edge of aspen log, on soil

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