Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Tricholoma pardinum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 754144Maas, J. L.   15721963-10-13
United States, Washington, Kittitas, 47.124266 -120.679683

BPI 754162McKnight, K. H.; Demoulin, V.; Koniuchowskyj, M.   120551970-11-20
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Chesapeake Bay Center for Field Biology under Pinus, 38.887417 -76.540444

BPI 893982MCKNIGHT K. H.   F75641964-08-31
United States, Wyoming, wyoming Nez Perce Creek, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming

BPI 893983MCKNIGHT K. H.   F76291964-09-07
United States, Utah, utah lake Bute, Utah

BPI 893984Smith   1953-08-27
United States, Michigan, michigan Mackinaw Hardwoods

BPI 893985MCKNIGHT K. H.   F76291964-09-07
United States, Utah, utah Lake Bute

BPI 893987McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, J. B.; McKnight, K. B.; McKnight, L. B.   1965-08-13
United States, Unknown, utah Northeast Entrance Yellowstone National Park

BPI 899243Snyder, R.   1972-11-20
United States, Maryland, Howard, Marriottsville mary on decaying log, 39.350105 -76.899421

BPI 901303MCKNIGHT V. B.   1991-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Fourmile Meadow, Teton National Forest wy On duff in subalpine mixed coniferous forest

BPI 905673McKnight, K.H.   870812101987-08-12
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Flagstaff Rd. ca 4 miles southwest of US 287; Teton National Forest wy gregarious on grassy soil; edge of mixed coniferous forest

BPI 905906McKnight, K.H.; Koniuchowskyj, M.; Demoulin, V.   1970-11-20
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Chesapeake Bay Center for Biological Research mar on soil under Pinus, 38.887417 -76.540444

BPI 905934McKnight, K.H.; Koniuchowskyj, M.; Demoulin, V.   1970-11-20
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Chesapeake Bay Center for Field Biology mar on soil under Pinus, 38.887417 -76.540444

BPI 906014McKnight, K.H.   1989-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Snake River Picnic Area, Grand Teton Nat'l Park wy on soil under Populus and Picea

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