Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Amylocorticiellum subillaqueatum (Trechispora subillaqueata)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 1105497Gilbertson R. L.   103641971-08-25
United States, Arizona, Guadalupe Canyon, Guadalupe Mtns, Cochise Co.

BPI 1106524Budington Arthur B.   11691969-08-07
United States, Arizona, San Francisco Peaks, Coconino National Forest, Coconino Co. Snow Bowl Rd.

BPI 1106525Gilbertson Robert L.   95661970-08-04
United States, Minnesota, Lake Itasca State Park, 47.2196 -95.2063

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