Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Taphrina boycei
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 928014Rogerson, C. T.   s. n.1995-07-22
United States, Utah, Washington, Dixie National Forest, Whipple Creek Trailhead, along Middle Fork of Santa Clara River, 3.8 miles northeast of Pine Valley Village, north side Pine Valley Mountains

BPI 675595Boyce J. S.; Mielke J. L.   1931-06-19
Canada, British Columbia, Cheekye alt. 300 ft, near

BPI 675596Hedgcock G. G.   1912-09-21
United States, Utah, Ephrain

BPI 675597Train Percy   12561937-10-22
United States, Nevada, Austin, Lander Co. alt. 6700 ft, Creek Bottom, Toyabe Range, 14 miles S.

BPI 675598Pammel L. H.   1896-07-02
United States, Colorado, Le Poudre River, Larimer Co. Tributaries of S. Fork Cache, Happy Hollow

BPI 675599Boyce J. S.; Mielke J. L.   1931-06-30
Canada, British Columbia, Revelstoke alt. 2000 ft, Big Bend Hwy.

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