BPI 929280 Kent H. McKnight; Anderson s.n. 1969-09-01
United States, Utah, Duchesne
BPI 929281 Kent H. McKnight; Anderson, F. s.n. 1969-09-01
United States, Utah, Duchesne
BPI 929282 Kent H. McKnight; Larry B. McKnight; Kathleen McKnight s.n. 1967-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Snake River Campground, Grand Teton National Park
BPI 929283 Karol B. McKnight; McKnight, L.B. s.n. 1968-08-29
United States, Wyoming, Signal Mountain, Grand Teton National Park
BPI 781530 Pantidou, M. 1962-08-01
Canada, Ontario, near Beach R. Route 35
BPI 783040 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, J. B.; McKnight, K. B. 10312 1967-06-22
United States, Idaho, Teton, Tie Creek under lodgepole pine
BPI 783041 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, K. B. 10281 1967-06-19
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, Snake River Campground under sagebrush and P. contorta
BPI 783042 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, L. B. 10306 1967-06-22
United States, Idaho, Teton, Tie Creek along old road
BPI 783044 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, J. B.; McKnight, K. B. 10308 1967-06-22
United States, Idaho, Teton, Tie Creek in open place near lodgepole pine
BPI 783083 McKnight, K. H. 11168 1968-09-15
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park, Great Fountain Geyser under Pinus contorta, 44.5541 -110.811878
BPI 783085 McKnight, K. B.; McKnight, L. B. 10286 1967-06-20
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park Cow Lake Road, under lodgepole pine
BPI 783088 Heizinga, H. 10412 1967-07-08
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Moran, Bio Res. Station under lodgepole pine
BPI 783089 McKnight, K. H. 83082802 1983-08-28
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park Pilgram Creek, under Pinus contorta
BPI 783090 McKnight, K. B.; McKnight, L. B. 10995 1968-08-29
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, Signal Mountain in Abies-Pine forest
BPI 783091 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, L. B.; McKnight, K. B. 10233 1967-06-15
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, Snake River Campground under lodgepole pine
BPI 783092 McKnight, K. H. 83090308 1983-09-03
United States, Wyoming, Teton, UW NPS Research Center, Moran under Pinus contorta
BPI 783097 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, K. B. 16916 1980-07-06
United States, Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park, University of Wyoming NPS Research Center, Coulter Bay in roadway, mixed conifer forest
BPI 783252 Cooke, W. B.; Cooke, V. G. 1976-07-10
United States, California, Lassen, Lassen Volcanic National Park, Bette Lake area under Pinus ponderosa at surface but covered with soil, 40.561191 -121.289558
BPI 783256 Cooke, W. B.; Cooke, V. G. 1976-08-18
United States, California, Siskiyou, Mount Shasta old logging road above MacBride Springs, under conifers, 41.352209 -122.283606
BPI 783261 Cooke, W. B.; Cooke, V. G. 1976-10-07
United States, California, Shasta, Lassen National Forest, Big Juniper area at Summit Lake under Pinus ponderosa, 40.674859 -121.364417
BPI 841886 Molina, R. Trappe 5109 1977-10-07
United States, Oregon, Benton, Corvallis 16th St. near Corvallis High School CRBE, 44.575 -123.266944, 91m
BPI 894667 McKnight K.H. 95080606 1995-08-06
United States, Wyoming, Teton, South Side of highway US 26/287, 2.5 mi W of Togwotee Lodge, Shoshone Natoinal Forest wyo Solitary, on soil, in subalpine mixed coniferous forest
BPI 895656 McKnight, K.H. 97081706 1997-08-17
United States, Utah, Summit, ut Christmas Meadows Rd, opposite beginning of ATV trail; Bear River US Forest Service Ranger Station. Gregarious; on soil; mixed aspen-conifer forest
BPI 895681 McKnight, K.H. 93090211 1993-09-02
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, wy South side of highway above Fourmile Meadow, Teton National Forest
BPI 895716 MCKNIGHT V. B. 1997-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Teton, South of highway 26, ca 2 mi W of Togwotte Lodge, Moran wyo Gregarious; on soil; mixed coniferous forest
BPI 898026 Moser, M. 1983-08-28
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pilgrim Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy on soil in mixed coniferous forest
BPI 901475 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil in mixed coniferous forest
BPI 901483 McKnight, K.H. 12700A 1971-09-10
United States, Utah, Summit, Christmas Meadows, Wasatch National Forest ut on soil under lodgepole pine
BPI 901490 McKnight, K.H. 82091238 1982-09-12
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park wy
BPI 901493 McKnight, K.H. 1982-07-16
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Cattle Bridge, Grand Teton Nat. Park wy on soil under Pinus contorta
BPI 901500 McKnight, K.H. 1983-09-03
United States, Wyoming, Teton, UW-NPS Research Center, Moran wy on soil under Pinus contorta
BPI 901515 McKnight, K.H. 1983-09-03
United States, Wyoming, Teton, UW-NPS Research Center, Moran wy on soil under Pinus contorta
BPI 901544 McKnight, K.H. 1983-08-28
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pilgrim Creek, Grand Teton Nat. Park wy on soil under Pinus contorta
BPI 901568 McKnight, K.H. 86080128 1986-08-01
United States, Wyoming, Grand Teton Nat'l Park wy
BPI 901583 McKnight, K.H. 86091101 1986-09-11
United States, Wyoming, Teton
BPI 901589 McKnight, K.H. 12633 1971-08-28
United States, Utah, Summit, Bald Mt. Lake, Wasatch National Forest ut on soil in subalpine forest
BPI 901595 McKnight, K.H. 86091311 1986-09-13
United States, Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park wy
BPI 901638 McKnight, K.H. 11028 1968-09-05
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy on soil in pine, spruce, cottonwood forest
BPI 901642 McKnight, K.H. 12632 1971-08-28
United States, Utah, Summit, Bald Mt. Lake, Wasatch National Forest ut on soil in subalpine forest
BPI 901644 McKnight, K.H. F5681 1963-09-06
United States, Utah, Summit, Christmas Meadows ut
BPI 901657 McKnight, K.H. 1968-09-18
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Teton National Forest us 4.5 mi North of Buffalo Creek Ranger Station, on soil at roadside
BPI 901663 McKnight, K.H. 12570 1971-08-24
United States, Utah, Summit, Christmas Meadows, Wasatch National Forest ut on soil in subalpine forest
BPI 923791 McKnight, K. H. 10286 1967-06-20
United States, Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park
BPI 923792 McKnight, K. H. 10281 1967-06-18
United States, Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park
BPI 923793 Heizinga, H. 10412 1967-07-08
United States, Wyoming, Teton
BPI 923794 McKnight, K. H. F7825 1965-06-22
United States, Pond's Lodge
BPI 923795 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, J. B.; McKnight, K. B. 10308 1967-06-22
United States, Idaho, Teton, Tie Creek