NA0048782 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-6 2005-06-18
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Anchorage; Conners Lake Park at edge of woods along trail for dog walkers., 61.16721 -149.92969, 32m
NA0048821 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-39 2004-08-20
United States, North Dakota, Stutsman County, Along edge of Waterfowl Production Pond at 63 Ave SE and 43 St SE junction., 46.791267 -99.131167, 546m
NA0081675 Frye, Christopher T. 5132 2002-08-06
United States, Maryland, Garrett County, Cranesville Rd, 0.1 mi S of Muddy Creek Rd., 39.52325 -79.479617
NA0110789 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-18 2004-08-10
United States, Illinois, Kankakee County, Kankakee; Rt. 113 north of Kankakee and west of Kankakee River below electric lines, near field with corn and soy beans., 41.18 -87.96435, 195m
NA0110790 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-20 2004-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Grant County, Welcome station rest stop at border with Illinois on Interstate 90 northbound., 42.50525 -88.983333, 254m
NA0017335 Freeman, O.M. s.n. 1949-07-11
United States, District of Columbia, U.S. National Arboretum, Nursery No. 4.
NA0048760 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-8 2004-08-04
United States, Virginia, Montgomery County, Blacksburg Heritage Park, formerly Brown Farm., 37.242383 -80.461233, 594m
NA0048761 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-9 2004-08-09
United States, West Virginia, Raleigh County, Beaver; Either side of a drainage ditch by Interstate 64., 37.7673 -81.1248, 782m
NA0048762 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-10 2004-08-09
United States, Kentucky, Carter County, Approx. 8 mi. west of Rt. 23, opposite Flying J Truck Stop, west of KY-WV border on Interstate 64., 38.364733 -82.699867, 212m
NA0048763 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-11 2004-08-09
United States, Kentucky, Bluegrass Station; Along access road parallel to Interstate 64., 38.044417 -84.319783, 316m
NA0048764 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-12 2004-08-09
United States, Kentucky, Along access road parallel to Interstate 64 across from Yorktowne Trailer Park., 38.036633 -84.28395, 318m
NA0048765 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-13 2004-08-09
United States, Indiana, Bartholomew County, Eixit for Rt. 46 (Columbus, IN) from Interstate 64 bordering exit ramp., 39.198433 -85.957933, 205m
NA0048766 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-15 2004-08-09
United States, Indiana, Thornton exit off Interstate 64 North along County Road 305 near a fence for a sunflower farm., 40.141233 -86.53455, 272m
NA0048767 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-17 2004-08-09
United States, Illinois, Iroquois County, Along railroad tracks, 0.1 mi. west of Watseka, IL town limit on Rt. 24., 40.7726 -87.767, 208m
NA0048768 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-18 2004-08-10
United States, Illinois, Kankakee; Illinois Rt. 113 north of Kankakee and west of Kankakee River below electric lines, near field with corn and soy beans., 41.18 -87.96435, 195m
NA0048769 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-20 2004-08-10
United States, Wisconsin, Grant County, Welcome station rest stop at border with Illinois on Interstate 90 northbound., 42.50525 -88.983333, 254m
NA0048770 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-22 2004-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Columbia County, Wisconsin Dells; Trapper's Turn Golf Course behind Comfort Inn, plants adjacent to course and near tee 5 by landscaped pond., 43.626517 -89.797567, 265m
NA0048771 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-23 2004-08-11
United States, Wisconsin, Dunn County, Interstate 94 westbound exit 32 adjacent to off-ramp and abandoned pasture on steep hill., 44.92095 -92.113127, 379m
NA0048772 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-26 2004-08-12
United States, Minnesota, Albertville; Behind Ashley Furniture building in drainage ponds area neighboring interstate., 45.2437 -93.666617, 299m
NA0048773 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. | Foley, Mike 2004-28 2004-08-18
United States, Minnesota, Clay County, Moorhead; Probtsfield Organic Farm, adjacent to rented plots covering approximate 5 acres., 46.920967 -96.7511, 271m
NA0048774 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-5 2004-08-01
United States, Virginia, Floyd County, Along US 221 (Floyd Rd) by field, approx. 5 mi. southwest of Check, VA and 4 mi. from Floyd, VA.
NA0048775 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-01 2004-06-20
United States, Ohio, Carroll County, Near junction of Avon Rd. and Moravian Rd, along Avon Rd. SE neighboring tree farm plots., 40.577367 -80.97365, 378m
NA0048776 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-4 2004-06-21
United States, Ohio, Stark County, Canton; Near junction of Munson Rd and Whipple Ave behind shopping plaza along ponds and creek drainage., 40.846885 -81.42675, 334m
NA0048777 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-1 2005-06-09
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Anchorage; Near junction of Glenn Highway and Bragaw Rd. behind shopping area and Red Robin Restaurant. Area was previously cleared (2004?) of trees and underbrush., 61.21865 -149.81609, 50m
NA0048778 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-2 2005-06-09
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Anchorage; Javier Delavega Park near ball fields at edge of wooded area. This was the location of the first recorded occurrence of C. arvense in Alaska., 61.16717 -149.9174, 38m
NA0048779 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-3 2005-06-09
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Anchorage; Along road adjacent to commercial runway for Anchorage Airport, across from Fed Ex facility., 61.18132 -150.01181, 48m
NA0048780 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-4 2005-06-09
United States, Alaska, Anchorage Borough, Anchorage; Junction of Barrow St. and Sharrock St. behind Anchorage Public Library at edge of parking lot where lawn debris deposited., 61.18532 -149.87726
NA0048781 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-5 2005-06-09
United States, Alaska, Girdwood; Behind wooden fence at tram entrance for ski resort., 60.96988 -149.09438, 80m
NA0048783 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-28 2005-07-29
United States, Wyoming, Crook County, Horse pasture bordering rest area at exit 189 on Interstate 90 westbound. East of Sundance WY exit 189., 44.41439 -104.34, 1422m
NA0048784 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-34 2005-07-30
United States, Wyoming, Park County, Along Chief Joseph Senic Parkway (WY290) west of junction with highway 120, down hilside and along fenced pasture. North of Cody, WY., 44.71956 -109.25, 1600m
NA0048785 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-38 2005-08-01
United States, Montana, Gallatin County, West of Bozeman, 2 miles from Rt. 191 at the junction of Cottonwood and Blackwood Roads, adjacent to horse pasture., 45.642 -111.104, 1532m
NA0048786 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-47 2005-08-02
United States, Montana, Fergus County, Lewiston; Across from National Forest Service Ranger Station along field adjacent to Pamida Grocery Store on 200 East leaving Lewiston., 47.07 -109.402, 1214m
NA0048787 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-40 2005-08-01
United States, Montana, Gallatin County, Pasture across from Blackbird access of Madison River, approximately 1 mi. from exit 278 (State Rt. 205) of Interstate 90., 45.9017 -111.529, 1250m
NA0048788 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-41 2005-08-01
United States, Montana, Gallatin County, Missouri River State Park Information Center along trail bordering Gallatin River., 45.9199 -111.499, 1248m
NA0048789 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-42 2005-08-02
United States, Montana, Meagher County, Lewis and Clark National Forest. Approximately 18 miles north of White Sulfur Springs at the junction of 89 and 12., 46.83768 -110.696, 1789m
NA0048790 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-33 2004-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Grant County, Norcross; Between MN Rt. 9 and Railroad, approximately 0.4 mi. south of Norcross., 45.86375 -96.192783, 321m
NA0048791 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-36 2004-08-19
United States, Minnesota, Traverse County, South of Wheaton, north of Browns Valley, across from dirt road along edge of corn and wheat fields. Lake Traverse 200 yards east beyond trees., 45.678783 -96.750133, 317m
NA0048792 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-71 2004-09-26
United States, Minnesota, Clearwater County, Itasca State Park boat landing for paddleboat and canoe rentals, along lake margin and parking lot.
NA0048796 Foley, Mike | Slotta, Tracey s.n. 2004-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Becker County, Southwest of Detroit Lakes. Across from 14315 Grossman's Rd on west side of road up a hill., 46.78467 -95.98098, 425m
NA0048797 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-47 2004-09-02
United States, Minnesota, Polk County, Marshall and Polk Counties Rural Water System Resevoir #6 at the junction of Rt 220 and Co.Rd. 59., 47.826 -96.93215, 253m
NA0048799 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-07 2005-06-30
United States, South Dakota, Brookings County, South of Watertown on Interstate 29 at exit 150 offramp., 44.57513 -96.7639, 551m
NA0048800 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-10 2005-06-30
United States, South Dakota, Vermillion Prairie (The Nature Conservancy) on Bluff Rd, approx. 20 miles from highway 50., 42.92027 -97.09199, 379m
NA0048802 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-16
United States, South Dakota, Brookings County, Brookings; Junction of McDary Rd and Hwy 14 by-pass, north of South Dakota State University., 44.3258 -96.78807, 493m
NA0048807 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-19 2005-07-27
United States, South Dakota, Davison County, Mitchell; Norway Road, approx. 0.5 mi. from exit 332 of Interstate 90 in an empty lot (6.32 acres) adjacent to Cabella warehouse., 43.69466 -98.0185, 413m
NA0048808 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-21 2005-07-27
United States, South Dakota, Brule County, Chamberlin; Exit 263 on Interstate 90 westbound. Along banks of Missouri River (east side) at a river access point., 43.79638 -99.3476, 436m
NA0048809 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-22 2005-07-28
United States, South Dakota, Pennington County, Keystone; Approximately 0.5 mi. North of entrance to Mt. Rushmore on Rt 244 west of 16A., 43.88489 -103.443, 896m
NA0048810 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-23 2005-07-28
United States, South Dakota, Custer County, Custer; Natural area at junction of US16 and County Road 294 (Ridgeview Rd)., 43.74996 -103.636, 1662m
NA0048811 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-24 2005-07-28
United States, South Dakota, Custer County, Custer; Natural area at junction of US16 and County Road 294 (Ridgeview Rd)., 43.74996 -103.636
NA0048813 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-27 2005-07-28
United States, South Dakota, Lawrence County, 13 mi. south/east of Deadwood at junction of US 385 and Custer Crossing Rd. Black Hills National Forest area south of Central City., 44.222 -103.67, 1666m
NA0048816 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2005-30 2005-07-29
United States, Wyoming, Johnson County, Buffalo; At end of exit ramp for highway 16 on Interstate 90 westbound., 44.35865 -106.5599, 1379m
NA0048817 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-30 2004-08-19
United States, North Dakota, Richland County, Mooreton; At small creek bordering northern entrance to Mooreton., 46.273533 -96.876035, 292m
NA0048818 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-32 2004-08-19
United States, North Dakota, Richland County, Wahpeton; Edge of wheat field across from water tower on County Road 10., 46.282333 -96.63155, 288m
NA0048819 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-37 2004-08-19
United States, North Dakota, Sargent County, Along State Rt. 13 at junction with County Rd. 6 near railway crossing in moderately moist soil., 46.22545 -97.67425, 385m
NA0048820 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-38 2004-08-19
United States, North Dakota, Dickey County, Approximately 2 miles north of junction of Rt. 13 at Rt. 1 on Rt. 1 at 79 St. SE (dirt county road)., 46.269283 -98.089533, 421m
NA0048822 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-40 2004-08-20
United States, North Dakota, Logan County, 2 miles south of Gackle on Rt. 56 along wetland area and fields, approx. 60 yards long., 46.5964 -99.141517, 585m
NA0048823 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-41 2004-08-20
United States, North Dakota, LaMoure County, County Road 36 to Nortonville approx. 0.5 mi from SR281 and 5 miles from junction of SR 46 and 281., 46.5585 -98.712017, 462m
NA0048824 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-42 2004-08-20
United States, North Dakota, Barnes County, Adjacent to Interstate 94 at exit for Rt. 1 South., 46.9118 -98.0812, 448m
NA0048825 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-44 2004-08-20
United States, North Dakota, Steele County, Junction of 32 North and 200 West and County Road 11., 47.44175 -97.8355, 441m
NA0048826 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-45 2004-09-02
United States, North Dakota, Traill County, 8 miles north of Hillsboro and 1 mile south of Cummings at the corner of Rt. 200., 47.497933 -97.070517, 282m
NA0048827 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-48 2004-09-02
United States, North Dakota, Pembina County, Approximately 2 miles west of Icelandic State Park at parking area on north side of road., 48.7615 -97.890433, 325m
NA0048828 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-49 2004-09-02
United States, North Dakota, Cavalier County, Approx. 6.5 miles south of junction of Rt. 5 and Rt. 66 and 1.5 mi. south of Munich at edge of wheat field and county road., 48.659817 -98.842933, 484m
NA0048829 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-50 2004-09-03
United States, North Dakota, Ramsey County, Devil's Lake margin, 6 miles south of Rt. 2 and Rt. 19 junction on Rt. 19, north side of road., 48.11845 -99.004433, 443m
NA0048830 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-51 2004-09-03
United States, North Dakota, Bottineau County, Several clumps approximately 3 miles from junction of Rt. 83 and Rt. 5. Northwest of Newburg and East of Mouse River. North side of road along pasture edge., 48.821167 -101.113983, 458m
NA0048831 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-51.5 2004-09-03
United States, North Dakota, McLean County, 2 miles East of Garrison and 2 miles South of Rt. 37 at Seike Bay camping area and boat landing for the Missouri River., 47.618968 -101.356917, 569m
NA0048832 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-52 2004-09-04
United States, North Dakota, Mountrail County, Stanley; Rt. 2. Edge of parking lot for gas station and coffee hut on western edge of town., 48.30545 -102.384067, 687m
NA0048833 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-55 2004-09-04
United States, North Dakota, McKenzie County, East of Watford City on Rt. 23 near crest of hill approx. 1 mi. west of junction of 73 and 23 and County Road 53., 47.804083 -102.96065, 734m
NA0048834 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A.
United States, North Dakota, Billings County, detailed locality information protected
NA0048835 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-61 2004-09-05
United States, North Dakota, Hettinger County, Rt. 21 East of Rt. 85 approx. 38mi. Approx. 13.6 mi east of junction with SR22 at small bridge over Indian Creek., 46.413183 -102.57805, 766m
NA0048836 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-63 2004-09-06
United States, North Dakota, Morton County, Glen Ullin; Along Rt. 49 at the junction of several roads (Ash Ave. East, 6th St, and Ash Ave. West)., 46.81165 -101.837133, 650m
NA0048837 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-65 2004-09-06
United States, North Dakota, Mercer County, Road to Beleuh Recreation Area, approx. 0.5 mi. from entrance. In wheat field and wooded area. Approximately 200 yards up hill from Missouri River., 47.499083 -101.78045, 587m
NA0048838 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A.
United States, North Dakota, McLean County, detailed locality information protected
NA0048839 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-67 2004-09-06
United States, North Dakota, Emmons County, Lake Oahe, Badger Bay, Rt. 1804 south of Bismarck/Mandan. Plants scattered along small creek and lake edge at recreaction area., 46.501767 -100.5537, 496m
NA0048840 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-68 2004-09-07
United States, North Dakota, Morton County, Garner Park on Missouri River at boat access. Plants scattered along shore on rocks and hillside., 46.655033 -100.715033, 502m
NA0048841 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A.
United States, North Dakota, Burleigh County, detailed locality information protected
NA0048842 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-72 2004-09-27
United States, North Dakota, Cass County, Fargo; Weed present in garden plots between greenhouses at the USDA Biosciences Research Lab at 1605 Albrecht Blvd.
NA0048862 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A.
United States, Wyoming, Teton County, detailed locality information protected
NA0048864 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. 2004-78 2004-10-07
United States, North Dakota, Cass County, Fargo; Jewish Cemetary, west of University Blvd on 32 Ave North.
NA0049015 Villegas, Balso
United States, California, Modoc County, detailed locality information protected
NA0049016 Villegas, Balso BV03 2005-11-16
United States, California, Siskiyou County, Mt. Shasta; Vacant lot adjacent to the I-5 freeway north of Mt. Shasta central exit., 41.31115 -122.317917, 1219m
NA0049017 Villegas, Balso s.n. 2005-11-15
United States, California, Lassen County, Susanville; Johnsonville Rd at San Francisco St. in roadside drainage, approx. 100 ft by 25 ft., 40.406383 -120.6304
NA0049019 Howard, Kathy KH01 2005-09-30
United States, New York, Tompkins County, Ithaca; Cornell University, approx 20ft west of Garden Ave on Tower Rd. South facing exposure with a steep slope of English Ivy., 42.44802 -76.48024
NA0049020 Howard, Kathy KH02 2005-09-30
United States, New York, Groton; At residence, 608 Courtland Rd, Groton NY 13073. Approx 10ft. east of hedgerow., 42.5875 -76.36643
NA0049021 Gallandt, Eric EG01 2005-09-09
United States, Maine, Penobscot County, Orono; University of Maine Campus behind Page Museum., 44.897 -68.6709
NA0049022 Bodo Slotta, Tracey A. | Rothhouse, J. | Kelley, L. 2005-49 2005-08-29
United States, Minnesota, Along trail to scenic overlook. Several populations present, set 1 with all male plants and set 2 with mostly female plants.
NA0049023 Bruckhart, William WB01 2005-10-05
United States, Maryland, Frederick County, Frederick; Approx 100m NE of Building 1301 at Fort Detrick (USDA facility)., 39.444633 -77.42655
NA0049024 Curran, Bill WSC01 2005-10-13
United States, Pennsylvania, Centre County, Penn State Campus; Penn State Agronomy Research Farm, near Rocksprings, PA. In field U9-U7B, tilled field with full sun and well drained soil., 40.8023 -77.8551
NA0049025 Curran, Bill WSC02 2005-10-14
United States, Pennsylvania, Blair County, 1 mile from Blair county airport, 2 miles north of Bedford County line, 1.5 miles east of SR866, and 2 miles south of SR164., 40.2882 -78.3092
NA0049026 Thompson, Joyce JT01 2005-11-01
United States, Washington, East of Wenatchee, WA. West end of 15th ST at bike path, between path and Columbia River., 47.417083 -120.301019
NA0049027 Thompson, Joyce JT02 2005-11-02
United States, Washington, Grant County, Quincy; Quincy Wildlife Recreation Area. USGS map Babcock Ridge. Approx. 5.9 miles past the last farmhouse at the gate of the Ancient Lakes Trailhead., 47.15836 -119.978705, 305m
NA0049028 Sheley, Roger BSB01 2005-10-31
United States, Oregon, Harney County, Burns; Off Highway 205 on the EOARC property, approx. 0.25 acres of weeds., 43.522667 -119.026306
NA0051030 Choe, Young | Chamberland, Michael 9 2006-08-04
United States, Maryland, Prince George's County, Beltsville; National Plant Materials Center (NRCS). Former location of Soil Conservation Service site. Locust field. South of Beaver Dam Road, west of Baltimore-Washington Parkway., 39.018333 -76.861944
NA0082704 Frye, Christopher T. 5130 2002-08-06
United States, Maryland, Garrett County, Cranesville Road, 0.75 miles south of Lake Ford Road and 0.53 miles from C. pumilum population.
NA0116297 Corwin, Fern 52 2014-06-13
United States, District of Columbia, U.S. National Arboretum grounds. Margins of Valley Rd.
NA0622031 Koelz, Walter 9769 1936-08-24
NA0634919 Freeman, O.M. 1925-08-01
United States
NA0634920 Hedgcock, Geo. G. 1932-07-30
United States
NA0634921 Talbot, M.W. 488 1925-06-30
United States
NA0634922 Freeman, O.M. 1946-06-22
United States
NA0634923 Moldenke, Harold N. 10685 1938-07-25
United States
NA0634924 Erlanson, C.O. 717 1924-09-01
United States