Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Anthracocystis bothriochloae (Sorosporium bothriochloae, Sporisorium bothriochloae)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 179467Wiehe P. O.   1421949-04-02
Malawi, Kalembo, -14.840691 35.166979

BPI 841298Mitchell, A.; Vanky, C.; Vanky, K.   1996-02-21
Australia, Western Australia, Kimberley Region Kalumburu mission, -14.233333333 126.166666667, 15m

BPI 841300Vanky, T.; Vanky, C.; Vanky, K.   2001-04-15
Zambia, Southern Prov, 246 km NE urbe Livingstone, -16.6 27.337222222, 1180m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 844238Shivas, R. G.; Riley, I. T.; Vanky, C. et al.   2000-03-14
Australia, Northern Territory 209 km SE urbe Katherine, -15.983611111 133.4325, 220m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 844241Mitchell, A. A.   2000-03-14
Australia, Western Australia Kununurra, King Location, -15.631111111 128.767777778, 40m

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