Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Phaeocalicium compressulum
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 1112693Hafellner J.   1984-02-18
Austria, Steiermark, Pischinggraben alt. ca. 1300 meters, S. of Kalwang, between Almtoerl and Floisalm, 47.404981 14.75

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 748817Moslinger, M;, Scheuer, Ch.; Vasilyeva, Lar. N/   1994-09-02
Austria, Steiermark, Schladminger Tauern, SE Schladming, kurz E oberhalb der Preintale Hutte, on Steig zum Sonntagkar Gebusche am Bach, GF 8648/4, 47.3 13.8, 1680m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 801729Lumbsch E.; Lumbsch T. H.   8376;1991-04-28
Germany, Bayern, Oberbayern, Landkreis Miesbach alt. 600 meters, 47d53'n,110d47'e, Valley of Rivermangfall between Grabenstoffl and Maxlmuehlt, ca. 1.5 km. E. of Unterdarching, 47.887061 11.78391

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 858494Bilovitz, P. O.; Scheuer, Ch.   2002-07-18
Austria, Steiermark, Steirisches Randgebirge, Stubalpe ca. 12 km W von Koflach, kurz ENE vom Alten Almhaus, auf dem Brandkogel, MTB 8955/2, 47.483222 13.657054, 1620m

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