Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Arcangeliella corkii (Zelleromyces corkii)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 864271Giachini, A.   2001-05-18
Australia, Victoria, East Gippsland, Nunniong Forest Management Block Nunniong Road, 0.2 km S Junction Telephone Track, CLARIDGE Site 102, Mapsheet: Omeo 1:100000, Australian Map Grid 571950 Easting, 5883900 Northing, -38.08 148.291667, 520m

BPI 864272Jumpponen, A.   2001-05-22
Australia, Victoria, East Gippsland, Mount Elizabeth Forest Management Block Collins Road, 10.0 km NE Omeo Highway, CLARIDGE Site 132, Mapsheet: Omeo 1:100000, Australian Map Grid 580700 Easting, 5848500 Northing, -29.986231 148.973638, 680m

BPI 864273Vavrek, M.; Jumpponen, A.; Claridge, A. W.   2003-05-25
Australia, Victoria, East Gippsland, Mount Elizabeth Forest Management Block Collins Road, 12.4 km NE of Omeo Highway, CLARIDGE Site 130, Mapsheet:, Omeo 1:100000, Australian Map Grid 582250 Easting, 5849550 Northing, -29.97092 148.991314, 800m

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