Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Xylaria schreuderiana
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 882372Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.; Iturriaga, T.; Rodriguez, G.; Hererra, M.   71291990-11-16
Venezuela, EDO. Merida: Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada above Tabay, in Quebrada next ti Fish Hatchery at La Mucuy, second growth, 8.6 -71.016666667, 2300m

BPI 882383Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.   79281990-12-04
Venezuela, EDO. Aragua: Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, Rancho Grande Biological Station trail to Guacamayo, 10.35 -67.683333333, 1250m

BPI 882425Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.; Iturriaga, T.; Rodriguez, G.; Hererra, M.   67981990-11-09
Venezuela, EDO. MERIDA: Parque Nac. Sierra Nevada above Tabay, Qda. Coromoto, La Mucuy, 8.6 -71.033333333, 2300m

BPI 882431Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.   72621990-11-20
Venezuela, EDO. TRUJILLO: Parque Nacional Guaramacal ca. 10 km SW of Batatal, La Defensa, along Rio Saguas, Campamiento Granja Bocono, in forest along trail to water source, 9.3 -70.166666667, 2000m

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