Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Xylaria coccophora
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 584275Rossman Amy Y.   24151985-01-28
Venezuela, Territorio Federal Amazonas, Neblina Base Camp on Rio Baria

BPI 747212Dunn, P.   1980-06-23
Brazil, Para, Municipio Oriximina, Rio Trombetas 4 km N of Cachoeira Porteira Road on E bank of Rio Trombetas, in climax terra firme forest, -1.04718 -57.033333

BPI 881593Samuels, G. J.; Boise, J.   25721986-01-07
French Guiana, ca 10km SW of Saul track from Saul leading SW toward Mt. Galbao, 3.833333333 -53.05, 200m

BPI 881604Samuels, G. J.   35301986-02-04
French Guiana, Saul Monts La Fumee; dry primary forest, 400m

BPI 881627Samuels, G. J.   35941986-02-03
French Guiana, Saul moist primary forest, 200m

BPI 882063Samuels, G. J.   34341986-02-04
French Guiana, Saul Monts la Fumee; dry primary forest, 400m

BPI 882445Samuels, G. J.; Feuillet, C.   43911986-03-21
French Guiana, Montagnes de Kaw Route de il'est, km 27, 5 -52.666666667

BPI 882459Samuels, G. J.; Feuillet, C.   45581986-03-30
French Guiana, Mtgn. Cacao

BPI 883785Samuels, G. J.; deGranville, J.-J.; Allorge, L.; Hahn, W.   59111987-08-19
French Guiana, between Roche Kata and unnamed granine inselberg 350m high; 02°55'N, 54°04'W - 02°55'N, 54°07'W, 200m

BPI 883819Samuels, G. J.; deGranville, J.-J.; Allorge, L.; Hahn, W.; Wetzman, A.; Hoff, M.   61621987-08-30
French Guiana, Upper Marouini River 5 km WSW of Monpe Soula, near three Inselbergs, Lat/Long Verbatim: 02° 37' N, 54° 03' W, dry forest, 4.539846 -54.460857, 250m

BPI 884052Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.-J.; Gharbarran, G.; Bacchus, G.   53761987-04-09
Guyana, East Berbice-Corentyne Region, VI subregion 5, Canje River, Ekwarun 1 km N of Ekwarun CK; disturbed tall, moist evergreen forest on foamy sand, marsh dominated by Scleria and Cyrilla scrub; extremely dry; Lat/Long Verbatim: 05° 20' N, 57° 38' W

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