Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Encoelia cubensis (Patinellaria cubensis)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-4 of 4

U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 1107298Rossman Amy Y.; Feuillet C.   3245;1988-02-18
French Guiana, Route de Belizon 52d20',4d25', Track to Montage Tortue, 15 km. from road N2

BPI 744779Samuels G. J.; Hein B.; Huhndorf S. M.   7892;1990-12-04
Venezuela, Edo. Aragua: Parque Nacional Henri Pittier Rancho Grando Biological Station, trail to Guacamayo, 10.35 -67.683333333, 1250m

BPI 802227Samuels G. J.; Hein B.; Huhndorf S. M.; Rodriguez G.; Hererra M.   6867; ; ; ;1990-11-10
Venezuela, Edo. Merida, Parque Nacional Sierra Nevada alt. 2700-3000, 08d36'n,71d01'w, above Tabay, Qda. Coromoto, La Mucuy, 1 Hr. walk toward Laguna coromoto

BPI 882019Samuels, G. J.; Begoude, D.; Evans, H. C.   GJS 94402003-10-31
Cameroon, Southwestern Province, Ndian Division, Mundemba Subdivision, Korup National Park Smithsonian Plot 0014, 5.066666667 8.85, 275m

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