Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Nectriopsis exigua (Nectria myxomyceticola)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 552610Rogerson C. T.   1969-10-06
United States, New York, Westchester County, Ward Pound Ridge Reservation

BPI 744688Samuels G. J.; Schroers H.-J.; Lodge D. J.   80581996-02-21
Puerto Rico, Caribbean Nat. Forest, Luquillo Mts, Bisley Experimental Watershed, watershed # 3, 18.312573 -65.768448, 400m

BPI 748377Samuels, G. J.   1998-06-08
Puerto Rico, Rio Grande, Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Mts. Angelito Trail, 18.316666667 -65.733333333, 375m

BPI 881548Chaverri, P.   PC11682010-03-17
Costa Rica, Heredia Province, La Selva Biological Station Sendero Tres Rios and Camino Experimental Norte; (Verbatim Lat/Long:N 10° 26' 7.3", W 84° 00' 31.4"), 10.435277778 -84.008611111, 64m

BPI 881928Hirooka, Y.   2004-10-00
Japan, Kanagawa Prefecture Ashigarakami-gun

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