Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Pseudocosmospora joca (Nectria joca)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 884175Romero, A.   AR 47792011-04-15
Argentina, Rio Negro Province, San Carlos de Bariloche, Luma Forest

BPI 1109906Lodge D. J.   PR 624A1990-12-17
Puerto Rico, El Verde Station Driveway, Luquillo Mountains, 18.323686 -65.821427

BPI 745442Huhndorf S. M.   9391994-09-10
French Guiana, St-Laurent-du-Maroni Canton de Maripasoula, Commune de Saul, along Grand Boeuf Mort trail beginning at Route de Belizon btw Saul and Eaux Claires, lowland moist forest, 3.7 -53.2, 200m

BPI 802498AVivant J.   4859-21992-10-23
Mexico, Guadeloupe, Houelmont, Basse Terre Xerophilous Forest

BPI 802498BVivant J.   4859-21992-10-23
Mexico, Guadeloupe, Houelmont, Basse Terre Xerophilous Forest

BPI 802525Ryvarden L.   286991990-07-12
Ethiopia, Shoa Prov, Mena Gesha National Park alt. 2400-2600 meters

BPI 802606Samuels G. J.; Pipoly J.; Guedes J.   1094; ;1984-03-24
Brazil, Estado do Amazonas, Pico Rondon alt. ca. 1200 meters, 01d32'n,62d48'w, Perimetral Norte km. 211, Vine Forest ca. 3 hour walk from Funai Post

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