Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Verticillium hemileiae
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-25 of 25

U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 019844BMeyer F. C.; Narasimhaswamy R. L.   ; E-1031964-12-17
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Mizan Teferi alt. 1400 meters, by Stream at Airport

BPI 019847BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 341964-11-24
Ethiopia, Kaffa Prov, Jimma 49 km. North of Jimma, Via Agaro road, Turning right at Ghembo Village, Hol Dings of Dedjazmatch Johannes, alt. 1610 M., 8.10946 36.833333

BPI 019848BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 951964-12-11
Ethiopia, Illubabor Prov, Teppi Teppi-mizan Teferi Trail, ca. 10 km. from Teppi, alt. Ca 1200 M.

BPI 019849BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 1111964-12-23
Ethiopia, Kaffa Prov, Ainamba Dwelling Called Tunteta, ca. 2 1/2 km. S.w. of Ainamba just Beyond Crest of Plantation, El. 1620 M.

BPI 019850BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 631964-11-26
Ethiopia, Kaffa Prov, Jimma Sapa Region, Kildye Village, 53 km. N.w. of Jimma, Property of Ato Shone Seda, alt. 1630 M.

BPI 019851BMeyer F. G.; Narashimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 1121964-12-23
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Ainamba Village 2 km. East of Ainamba Village, alt. 1500 M., 6.883333 35.484872

BPI 019853BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 1011964-12-15
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Jimma 7 km. N.e. of Jimma in Valley on left Side of Rd. near Bada Buna Forest, 7.916667 39.383333

BPI 019859BMeyer F. G.; Fernie L. M. e-   ; 981964-12-04
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Agaro 35 km. S.w. of Agaro Town at Giche on road to Gera, alt. 1800 M.

BPI 019860BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 821964-12-06
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Bonga 8 km. S.w. of Bonga on Wush-wush road at Chara, alt. 1610 meters

BPI 019861BMeyer F. G.; Fernie L. M. e-   ; 271964-11-18
Ethiopia, Limmu Subprovince, Village of Sedecha, Kaffa Province alt. 5100 ft.

BPI 019862BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy e-   ; 1191964-12-27
Ethiopia, Omonada (Nada) Village, Kaffa Province alt. 1820 meters, on Old road to Omo River, 72 km. N. E. of Jimma

BPI 019863BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 941964-12-10
Ethiopia, Illubabor Province, Teppi deep Forest 8 km. E. of Teppi Village, alt. 1200 meters

BPI 019864BMeyer F. G.   87361964-11-06
Ethiopia, Harar Province, Asbe Teferi Village Edge of Asbe Teferi Village, alt. 5200 Feet

BPI 019865BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 961964-12-11
Ethiopia, Illubabor Province, Teppi dense Shade along Teppi-mizan Teferi Trail, El. 1200 M, 10 km. from Teppi

BPI 019866BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 1221964-12-27
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Jimma house in the Town of Jimma, alt. 1720 meters

BPI 019867BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 1211964-12-27
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Jimma alt. 1720 meters, in Front of a house

BPI 019869BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 321964-11-23
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Jimma Doyo Coffee Plantation, Owned by Ato Teka Egano, 8 km. W. of Jimma, 7.666661 36.760388

BPI 019870BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 1201964-12-27
Ethiopia, Kaffa Province, Omonada Houses in Omonada (Nada) Village, alt. 1820 meters, 72 km. N. E. of Jimma on Old road to Omo River, 5.167377 35.983333

BPI 019871BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 921964-12-09
Ethiopia, Illubabor Province, Teppi Village Elevation 1,340 meters

BPI 019872BMeyer F. G.; Narashimhaswamy R. L.   ; 3-931964-12-09
Ethiopia, 7 Km. S. W. of Teppi Village, Alt. 1350 Meters

BPI 019873BRaghunathan   1966-09-17
India, Balehonnur, 13.34827 75.46543

BPI 019878BMeyer F. G.; Narashimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 761964-12-03
Ethiopia, Kaffa Prov, Agaro along road, 2 km. West of Agaro, alt. 1800 M., 7.85 36.631756

BPI 019879BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 731964-12-01
Ethiopia, Illubabor Prov, Afallo Abandoned Field, 15 km. S. W. of Gera Village Afallo, ca. 1820 M., 7.547784 36.333333

BPI 019880BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L.   ; 3-1071964-12-20
Ethiopia, Kaffa Prov. Bolku Cultivated near house at Bolku Village, 1380 M, 6 km. So. of Benessa Which Is 3 km. S. of Debre Werk Village

BPI 019986BMeyer F. G.; Narasimhaswamy R. L. e-   ; 991964-12-15
Ethiopia, Giren Experimental Farm of Jimma Agricultural & Technical School at Giren, 5 km., 7.816667 36.683333

Page 1, records 1-25 of 25


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