Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Valetoniella crucipila
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 745768Samuels G.J.;Chaverri P.   84411997-08-13
Thailand, Saraburi Province Khao Yai National Park, Haew Narok., 350m

BPI 748218Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M. et al.   6810A;1990-11-09
Venezuela, Edo. Merida, Parque Nac. Sierra Nevada, above Tabay, Qda. Coromoto, La Mucuy, 8.6 -71.033333333, 2300m

BPI 748360Samuels, G. J.; Schroers, H.-J.; Lodge, D. J.   8053;1996-02-20
Puerto Rico, Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Mts, El Verde Research Area Along La Prieta Creek, 18.321227 -65.820472, 350m

BPI 748363Samuels, G. J.; Schroers, H.-J.; Lodge, D. J.   8091;1996-02-24
Puerto Rico, Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Mts. Trail to El Toro from Rte. 186, 18.280952 -65.858204, 650m

BPI 748364Samuels, G. J.; Schroers, H.-J.; Lodge, D. J.   8122;1996-02-20
Puerto Rico, Caribbean National Forest, Luquillo Mts, El Verde Research Area Along La Prieta Creek, 18.321227 -65.820472, 350m

BPI 842177Doi, Y.   1973-07-19
Colombia, Leguizamo, Putumayo

BPI 863884Samuels, G. J.   90542001-08-17
Thailand, Khao Yai National Park, W of Khlong E-Thao In forest, 14.466666667 101.333333333, 770m

BPI 881534Chaverri, P.   PC10922010-03-15
Costa Rica, Heredia Province P.N. Braulio Carnillo, Entrance Quebrada Gonzalez; (Verbatim Lat/Long:N 10° 9' 45.8", W 83° 56' 11"), 10.1625 -83.936388889, 697m

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