NA0103773 Lazio, Nick | Conrad, Kevin P. AF2018-004 2018-09-10
United States, Virginia, Suffolk County, Lone Star Lakes Park, ca 1 mile from entrance on a gravel road near parking for a Crane Lake Boat Ramp., 36.86919 -76.575508, 4m
NA0665632 E. J. P. 1937-05-20
United States
NA0665633 Blake, S.F. 1926-06-05
United States
NA0665634 Segel | Thompson 11 2010-00-00
United States
NA0066092 Nelson, John B. 28943 2011-03-13
United States, South Carolina, Richland County, Columbia; Next to trash dump, immediately W of dog park on Humane Lane, just N of I-77 off Shop Rd., 33.9511 -80.9794
NA0074781 Curtiss, A.H. s.n.
United States, Florida, Duval County, Near Jacksonville, Florida.
NA0074782 O'Neill, Hugh T. s.n. 1929-06-24
United States, Florida, Lake Apopka, Florida.
NA0074783 O'Neill, Hugh T. s.n. 1929-07-08
United States, Florida, Tropical Hammock at Tropic.
NA0074784 Coville, Frederick V. 12 1924-02-17
United States, Florida, Near Terra Ceia, Florida on the Terra Ceia shell mound.
NA0074785 Rugel, Ferdinand s.n. 1845-10-00
United States, Florida, St. Marks.
NA0074786 O'Neill, Hugh T. s.n. 1929-08-07
United States, Florida, Turtle Mound, New Smyrna In high hammock.
NA0074787 Ward, D.B. s.n. 1966-04-02
United States, Florida, Volusia County, On shell slope of Turtle Mound, ca. 7 mi. S. E. of New Smyrna Beach.
NA0074788 Holm, Th. s.n. 1893-07-03
United States, Florida, Lake County, Hammock, Lake Harris, Lake County, FLorida.
NA0074789 O'Neill, Hugh T. s.n. 1929-09-25
United States, Florida, In low hammock, Lake Apopka.
NA0074790 Blanton, F.S. 6998 1931-04-04
United States, Florida, In high hammock, 8 miles west of Gainsville.
NA0074791 McFarlin, J.B. 11614 1938-07-24
United States, Florida, Volusia County, On the Turtle Mound south of Coronado Beach, Volusia County, Florida.
NA0074792 Dudley, Theodore R. | Eisenbeiss, Gene K. 40086 1978-04-04
United States, Florida, 9 mile NE of Chiefland on Rounte 129 at intersection with Route 346A. Small tree.
NA0074793 Ray, James D., Jr. | Wood, C.E. | Smith, C.E. | Eaton, R.J. 10766 1961-04-27
United States, Florida, Volusia County, ca nine miles south of New Smyrna Beach at Turtle Mound. Narrow shell beach at base of heavily vegetated shell mound.
NA0074794 Kurz, H. s.n. 1949-09-20
United States, Florida, Jackson County, Old stream bed, south of Fla Rt 73, 4.4 miles northwest of intersection of Fla Rte 73 and US Rt 90.
NA0074795 Godfrey, R.K. 56324 1958-03-31
United States, Florida, Jefferson County, Small tree, upland woodland, near Lake Miccosukee.
NA0074796 Rugel, Ferdinand s.n. 1845-00-00
United States, Florida, Florida, Manattee.
NA0074797 O'Neill, Hugh T. s.n. 1929-04-09
United States, Florida, Hernando County, Brooksville, Hernando County.
NA0074798 McFarlin, James B. 4638 1931-03-31
United States, Florida, Collier County, Deep Lake, Collier Co.
NA0074799 Rugel, Ferdinand s.n. 1843-04-00
United States, Florida, Prope Quincy, Florida.
NA0074800 Wherry, Edgar T. s.n. 1936-09-13
United States, Florida, Jefferson County, w. side of Lake Miccosukee, Jefferson County, Fl.
NA0074801 O'Neill, Hugh T. s.n. 1929-09-10
United States, Florida, In low hammock, 2 miles north of Canal Point, Florida.
NA0074802 Hess, W. | Allen, K. | Weis, K. | Morris, K. | Perez, S. | Peterson, S. 7472 1997-05-13
United States, Missouri, Mississippi County, Mississippi Co, Big Oak Tree State Park, next to visitor center., 36.652222 -89.285278
NA0074803 Hess, W. | Allen, K. | Weis, K. | Peterson, S. 7484 1997-05-14
United States, Missouri, Wayne County, Wappapello State Park., 36.943889 -90.324444
NA0074804 Palmer, Ernest J. 45373 1941-07-10
United States, Missouri, Lawrence County, Nearl Halltown, Lawrence County. Thickets along small upland stream.
NA0074805 Hess, W. | Stoynoff, N. 6231 1986-06-24
United States, Arkansas, Stone County, Ozark National Forest, Sylamore Wildlife Area, by White R. Just north of junction of St. Hwy 9, 14, and 5. Riverside area with Limestone slopes.
NA0074806 Demaree, Delzie 13741 1936-09-20
United States, Arkansas, Lincoln County, Bottoms Bayou Bartholomew, Lincoln County, York Town.
NA0074807 Sundell, Eric | Thomas, Dale | Amason, Carl 10981 1994-09-30
United States, Arkansas, Chicot County, Mississippi River shore, 9-6 mi S of US Hwy 82, Woodroad throught alluvial hardwood forest.
NA0074808 Merrill, George M. 1301 1938-10-24
United States, Arkansas, Pulaski County, Along river, near Little Rock, Pulaski County.
NA0074809 Spjut, Richard W. 13329 1995-05-17
United States, Arkansas, White River. Along Hwy 412 E of Mountain Home along RxR. Common along tracks and river area.
NA0074810 Barnes | McDougald 149 1990-04-05
United States, Arkansas, Lincoln County, Lincoln County Cane Creek State Park, 2-4 miles east of Star City. Old homeplace with Black Locust and Vinca. Small green flowers.
NA0074811 Grimes | Atkins | McDaniel 123 1984-05-18
United States, Arkansas, Carroll County, Carroll Co, Eureka Springs. East Mountain, Upland roadside woods.
NA0074812 Demaree, Delzie 11113 1934-09-08
United States, Arkansas, Crittenden County, Between levee and Mississippi River, West Memphis.
NA0074813 Ashe, W.W. s.n. 1924-05-06
United States, Arkansas, Stone County
NA0074814 Eggert, H. s.n. 1874-00-00
United States, Missouri, Mississippi Valley.
NA0074815 Hess, W. | Stoynoff, N. s.n. 1994-07-12
United States, Illinois, N. Edge of Horseshoe Lake Conservation Area, 2 mi w of St. Hwy 3.
NA0074816 Hermann, F.J. 6639 1935-06-15
United States, Indiana, Bottomwoods, 5 mi N.W. Mt. Vernon.
NA0074817 Correll, Donovan S. | Correll, Helen B. 10179 1938-08-10
United States, Louisiana, De Soto Parish, Sandy soil along bank of the Sabine River nears Hart's Bluff, about 2 miles west of Hunter.
NA0074818 Langlois, A.B. s.n. 1833-06-30
United States, Louisiana, Near St. Martinville, LA.
NA0074819 Langlois, A.B. s.n. 1893-03-17
United States, Louisiana, Near St. Martinville, LA.
NA0074820 Langlois, A.B. s.n. 1879-09-00
United States, Louisiana, Plaquemines Parish
NA0074821 Correll, Donovan S. | Correll, Helen B. 9348 1938-07-05
United States, Louisiana, Lafayette Parish, In swamp along the Vermilion River on the Bendel Estate, 1 mile sout of Lafayette. Large tree.
NA0074864 Gattinger, A. 2548
United States, Tennessee, Nashville.
NA0074865 Ashe, W.W. s.n. 1897-09-00
United States, Tennessee, Mt. Lookout.
NA0074866 Eyles, D.E. | Eyles, M.S. 8385 1942-05-25
United States, Tennessee, Obion County, Across Bayou du Chien from the Rellfoot Lake Biological Station at Walnut Log.
NA0074867 Gattinger, A. s.n.
United States, Tennessee, Nashville.
NA0074868 Eyles, M.S. | Eyles, Don E. 8375 1942-05-24
United States, Tennessee, Obion County, Woody place on top of bluff East of Walnut Log, Obion County.
NA0074869 Kearney, Thos H., Jr. 887 1897-08-27
United States, Tennessee, Cocke County, Collected along the French Broad River, between Paint Rock and Del Rio.
NA0074870 Unknown Collector 1880 1897-10-08
United States, Tennessee, Nashville.
NA0074871 Meyer, Frederick G. | Mazzeo, Peter M. 11541 1969-05-24
United States, Alabama, Jefferson County, Gate City, Madrid Ave. and 67th St, North of Birmingham, Jefferson County.
NA0074872 Brinker, Robert s.n. 1942-06-20
United States, Illinois, Soldier's Home, Quincy, Illinois.
NA0074873 Armstrong, Pat | Hinton, Woody s.n. 1978-04-25
United States, Illinois, Hardin County, Top of Tower Rock, a limestone escarpment along the Ohio River, 2 mi. S of Peters Creek.
NA0074874 Tidestrom, Ivar 5945 1912-08-02
United States, Virginia, Westmoreland County, Along Monroe Bay, near Colonial Beach.
NA0074875 Godfrey, R.K. | Tryon, B.M., Jr. 797 1939-07-24
United States, South Carolina, Rich wooded slope on Santee River, Ferguson.
NA0074876 Nelson, John B. | Kennemore, D. 10475 1991-05-23
United States, South Carolina, Georgetown County, On E side of Causeway along E Edge of Lower Reserve, about 1/3 mi North of Five Points; South Island.
NA0074877 Fox, William B. 5458 1951-09-29
United States, North Carolina, Rockingham County, Bank of Dan River, just s. of Draper.
NA0074878 Rugel, Ferdinand s.n. 1841-05-00
United States, North Carolina, Halifax County, Weldon.
NA0074879 Parker, C.S. 1006 1924-04-27
United States, North Carolina, Guilford County, Woods near Greensboro, North Carolina.
NA0074880 Pittman, Albert B. | Darr, A.R. 8230002 2000-08-23
United States, South Carolina, Calhoun County, Area behind Spring Water Bottling Plant.
NA0074881 Kennemore, Douglas E. 1672 1994-09-28
United States, South Carolina, Cherokee County, In the shady, wet floodplain woods along the side of Kings Cr.
NA0074882 Meyer, Frederick G. 15615 1976-05-31
United States, South Carolina, Dorchester County, Near staleyard wall, Middleton Place, Dorchester Co, So. Carolina (Charleston).
NA0074883 Godfrey, R.K. | Tryon, R.M., Jr. 1074 1939-08-02
United States, South Carolina, Georgetown County, Border of salt marsh, sand dunes, 5 miles east of Georgetown.
NA0074884 Mazzeo, Peter M. | Dudley, Theodore R. 1912 1967-04-27
United States, South Carolina, Charleston County, In sandy soil in nurseries at Magnolia Gardens, Charleston County.
NA0074885 Meyer, Frederick G. | Mazzeo, Peter M. 14193 1973-09-28
United States, South Carolina, Charleston County, Magnolia Gardens, State Road 61, 12 mi. NW of Charleston, Charleston, Co, South Carolina.
NA0074886 Duncan, Wilbur H. 3437 1941-06-20
United States, Georgia, Burke County, About one mile east of McBean.
NA0074887 Rugel, Ferdinand s.n. 1848-04-00
United States, Georgia, Banks of the Savannah RIver.
NA0074888 Bishop, G.N. 8473 1938-10-02
United States, Georgia, River bottomland, Athens, GA.
NA0074889 Eyles, Don E. 2577 1939-09-18
United States, Georgia, Chatham County, Bank of moat; Fort Jackson, Savannah, Chatham County.
NA0074890 Coile, Nancy C. | Hill, Joscelyn W. 2589 1982-04-20
United States, Georgia, Walker County, Pigeon Mountain Wildlife Management Area. Near Bluebird Springs deer-checking station. Along Possumtrot Branch.
NA0074891 Kiltz, Burton F. K-867 1943-06-11
United States, Texas, Hardeman County, along small stream. Near Quanah, Hardeman Co.
NA0074892 Blair, R.E. 247 1911-03-21
United States, Texas, Val Verde County, Comstock.
NA0074893 Marshall, E.D. 8423 1949-06-03
United States, Texas, Angelina County, Edge of first bottom.
NA0074894 Clare, Mary 177 1931-09-21
United States, Texas, Bexar County, Near Corpus Christi Road on banks of San Antonio River.
NA0074895 Clare, Mary 177 1931-06-09
United States, Texas, Bexar County, Margin of Elmendorf Lake.
NA0074896 Moore, H.E. 579 1943-10-24
United States, Texas, Smith County, By stream in wood east of Camp Fannin, 8 mi. NE of Tyler, Smith County.
NA0074897 Cory, V.L. 53831 1947-07-12
United States, Texas, Dallas County, Dallas Co, Bois d'Arc Island, 4 3/4 ailine miles S. by E of Seagoville.
NA0074898 Correll, Donovan S. 22465 1959-06-01
United States, Texas, Dallas County, Dallas Co,Stults Prairie, southwest corner of Coit Road and Belt Line Road.
NA0074899 Unknown Collector s.n.
United States, Texas, Travis County, Austin, Texas.
NA0074900 Reed, H.R. s.n. 1947-07-20
United States, Texas, Hidalgo County, Hidalgo Co, the Old Mission, 4 miles south of Mission.
NA0074901 Reed, H.R. 5 1947-07-20
United States, Texas, Hidalgo County, 4 miles south of Mission.
NA0074902 Clover, Elzada U. 457 1932-08-24
United States, Texas, Alamo County, Woods, along the Rio Grande.
NA0074903 Hall, Elihu 31533 1872-05-26
United States, Texas, Travis County, Rocky Hills, Austin.
NA0074904 Hess, W. s.n. 1983-05-14
United States, Alabama, Clay County, W. side of Talladega Mts, Talladega Nat'l Forest, Cheaha St. Park, 27 mi S of Oxford.
NA0080398 Chase, V.H. 7597 1939-07-25
Mexico, Tamaulipas, Within 1/2 mile of the Hacienda Santa En Gracia.
NA0080399 Safford, W.E. s.n. 1907-00-00
Mexico, San Pedro.
NA0080493 Palmer, Ernest J. 12995 1937-05-20
United States, Massachusetts, Suffolk County, Arnold Arboretum, Jamaica Plain, Boston.
NA0080497 Meyer, Frederick G. | Mazzeo, Peter M. 18291 1981-04-01
United States, Texas, Hester Nursery, 3029 Todville Rd, Seabrook.
NA0095462 Whittemore, Alan T. 01-049 2001-10-19
United States, Missouri, Jefferson County, Southeast side of Kimmswick, next to the railroad bridge., 38.366667 -90.366667, 125m
NA0098806 Lance, Ron 3641 2011-09-12
United States, Texas, Collin County, Near Richardson, along Rowlett River in Breckenridge Park.
NA0103713 Whittemore, Alan T. 15-080 2015-06-13
United States, Texas, Titus County, Titus County Park, southwest shore of Monticello Lake., 33.086944 -95.060278, 110m
NA0109572 Whittemore, Alan T. 14-049 2014-06-03
United States, Kansas, Cowley County, 252 Road bridge over the Arkansas River, 5.1 mi W of hwy 77, ca 8 km WNW of Arkansas City., 37.113056 -97.127222, 335m
NA0109580 Whittemore, Alan T. 14-057 2014-06-04
United States, Oklahoma, Muskogee County, Public access, N shore of Canadian River on W side of hwy 2, ca 1 km N of Whitefield., 35.265 -95.239722, 150m
NA0110792 Whittemore, Alan T. | Fergusson, S. 15-091 2015-06-17
United States, Arkansas, Faulkner County, Parking area off Grassy Lake Road immediately east of underpass beneath I-40, Bell Slough WMA, east of Mayflower., 34.939167 -92.418333, 80m
NA0110800 Whittemore, Alan T. 15-055 2015-06-08
United States, Louisiana, Natchitoches Parish, Highway 71/84 south of Campti, 1.9 miles south of jct. LA 9; bottomland of the Red River., 31.883333 -93.1, 35m
NA0110803 Whittemore, Alan T. 15-059 2015-06-08
United States, Texas, Sabine County, Highway 21 at bridge over Maddox Creek, 3.1 miles east of San Augustine County border., 31.48166 , 90m
NA0110807 Whittemore, Alan T. 15-061 2015-06-09
United States, Texas, Leon County, Road 542 ca 0.5 mile north of Texas highway 7, ca 1 mile west of the Trinity River., 31.344722 -95.704444, 60m