Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Xylaria alboareolata (Hypoxylon areolatum, Xylaria areolata, Penzigia areolata)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 1113181Rossman Amy; Feuillet C.   AR 3249;1988-02-18
French Guiana, Belizon N52d20',4d25', Track to Montage Toretue, 15 km. from road N2

BPI 714454Wright   824
Cuba, Country uncertain "Cuba?"

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 738486Wright   586

BPI 744591Rossman, A.   506
Jamaica, Dolphin Head, near Lucea, 18.450949 -78.173565, 305m

BPI 881380Samuels, G. J.; Boise, J.   25221986-01-07
French Guiana, Track from Saul leading SW toward Mt. Galbao ca. 10 km SW of Saul; 03°50'N 53°30'W, 200m

BPI 881381Samuels, G. J.; Boise, J.   25291986-01-07
French Guiana, Track from Saul leading SW toward Mt. Galbao ca. 10 km SW of Saul; 03°50'N 53°30'W, 200m

BPI 881461Samuels, G.J.; Feuillet, C.   44421986-03-23
French Guiana, vic. Cayenne, Matoury Lac aux Amercains

BPI 884056Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.-J.; Gharbarran, G.; Bacchus, G.   53941987-04-09
Guyana, East Berbice-Corentyne Region, VI subregion 5, Canje River, Ekwarun 1 km N of Ekwarun CK; disturbed tall, moist evergreen forest on foamy sand, marsh dominated by Scleria and Cyrilla scrub; extremely dry; Lat/Long Verbatim: 05° 20' N, 57° 38' W

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