Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Sarcodon rimosus (Hydnum rimosum)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 260005Edman Martha (K. H. MCKNIGHT 13429)   1972-09-29
United States, Idaho, Priest Lake, Bonner Co.

BPI 260252Khara H. S.   1967-08-08
India, Patni Top, Jammu & Kashmir

BPI 897523McKnight, K.H.; McKnight, V.B.; McKnight, K.B.; McKnight, L.B.   1965-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Madison River Picnic Ground, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil in conifer forest

BPI 898138Plaskowitz, J.   1982-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Park, Nez Perce Creek, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil under Pinus contorta

BPI 898142Plaskowitz, J.   1982-07-26
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Snake River Picnic Grounds, Grand Teton National Park wy under Picea, Artemisia & Populus

BPI 898143Plaskowitz, J.   1982-08-09
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Signal Mountain, Grand Teton Natoinal Park wy on soil under Pinus contorta

BPI 898153McKnight, K.H.   F75621964-08-31
United States, Wyoming, Madison Junction, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil under Lodgepole Pine

BPI 898159McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, V. B.; McKnight, K. B.; McKnight, L. B.   F83841965-08-20
United States, Madison River Picnic Grounds, Yellowstone National Park on soil in conifer forest

BPI 898168McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, V. B.; McKnight, K. B.; McKnight, L. B.   1965-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Madison River Picnic Ground, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil in conifer forest

BPI 898169McKnight, K.   F75601964-08-31
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil under lodgepole pine

BPI 898178McKnight, V.B.   McKnight F86191965-08-31
United States, Wyoming, Norris Geyser Basin, Yellowstone Natoinal Park wy on soil in conifer forest

BPI 903209McKnight, K.H.; McKnight, V.B.; McKnight, K.B.; McKnight, L.B.   F83841965-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Yellowstone National Park wy

BPI 904727Plaskowitz, J.   1982-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Signal Mountain, Grand Teton National Park wy on soil under Pinus contorta

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