Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Datronia
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-20 of 20

U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 1100020Ginns J. H.   89361987-09-01
Canada, Quebec, Cantley, Gatineau Co. St. Elizabeth Rd, Ginns' Farm

BPI 1100021Ginns J. H.; Cody W. J.   5112; 51121980-07-29
Canada, Yukon, Kluane National Park Alaska Hwy, 1646 Km, S. of MCINTOSH Lodge, Bear Creek

BPI 1108680Vincent M. A.; MCRITCHIE D.   2841;1988-05-24
Bahamas, San Andros Island, 25.048067 -78.029638

BPI 205203Valerio Manuel   
Costa Rica

BPI 718307Ryvarden L.   199161982-03-09
Panama, Gatun Lake, Barro Coldorado Island, 9.152102 -79.84648

BPI 738089Ginns J.   087991986-09-02
Canada, Ontario, Lake Dore, Renfrew Co. Shaw Woods

BPI 747435Martin, G. W.; Welden, A. L.   1952-07-13
Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Id., 9.152102 -79.84648

BPI 747468Rossman, A.; Feuillet, C.; Skog, L.   2853;1986-10-28
French Guiana, Ile de Cayenne, Mont Mahury Along trail to water source lakes, 4.866666667 -52.25, 300m

BPI 747477Rossman, A.; Feuillet, C.; Skog, L.   2997;1986-11-05
French Guiana, Saul, Mont La Fumee, 3.633333333 -53.2, 200m

BPI 747525Dodge, C. W.   1925-07-17
Panama, Canal Zone, Barro Colorado Island Along Shannon trail, 9.166667 -79.833333

BPI 880929Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.   45841987-02-17
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: Chi Chi Mt. range, 4 km W of Chi Chi Falls, S banks of Mazaruni R., 5.566666667 -60.216666667, 450m

BPI 880936Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.; Chin, J.; Edwards, R.   49421987-02-00
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: Along Koatse R, ca 2km E of Pong R, ca 5 hr walk W of Chinoweing Village, 5.466666667 -60.066666667, 600m

BPI 880937Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.; Chin, J.; Edwards, R.   50221987-03-05
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: Headwaters of Kangu R, W branch ca. 4km NW of eastern peak of Mt. Ayanganna; first talus on sandstone, 5.416666667 -60.5, 700m

BPI 880944Samuels, G.J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.; Chin, J.   46791987-02-20
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: vic. Chinoweing Village, 5.533333333 -60.116666667, 650m

BPI 880946Samuels, G.J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.; Chin, J.   47291987-02-20
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: vic. Chinoweing Village, 5.533333333 -60.116666667, 650m

BPI 880947Samuels, G.J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.; Chin, J.   46651987-02-20
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: vic. Chinoweing Village, 5.533333333 -60.116666667, 650m

BPI 880948Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.; Chin, J.; Edwards, R.   50301987-03-05
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2: Headwaters of Kangu R, W branch ca. 4 km NW of eastern peak of Mt. Ayanganna; first talus slope on sandstone, 5.416666667 -60.5, 700m

BPI 925886Samuels, G. J.; Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.   77341990-11-00
Venezuela, Miranda, Parque Nacional Guatopo, trail between Agua Blanca and La Cruceta, 10.05 -66.433333, 500 - 600m

BPI 925893Samuels, G. J.; Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.   75341990-11-25
Venezuela, Barinas, Caimital Forest, La Montana, circa 5 kilometers northeast of Caimital Village and circa 10 kilometers northeast of intersection with Barinas-Opisbo Road., 8.583333 -70.25, 800m

BPI 925925Samuels, G. J.; Samuels, G. J.; Hein, B.; Huhndorf, S. M.   80041990-12-05
Venezuela, Aragua, Parque Nacional Henri Pittier, on the Maracay-Ocumare Road, circa 11 kilometers north of Maracay, 8.5 kilometers south of Rancho Grande Biological Station, 10.35 -67.683333, 800m

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