Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Cortinarius splendidus
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 894858McKnight, K.H.; Anderson, F.; Treshow, M.   1965-08-27
United States, Wyoming, wy Turbid Lake, Yellowstone National Park, in conifer forest

BPI 894859McKnight, K.H.; Anderson, F.; Treshow, M.   1965-08-27
United States, Wyoming, wy Turbid Lake, Yellowstone National Park, in conifer forest

BPI 895649McKnight, K.H.   970817081997-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Moran wy Near parking lot at base of Signal Mtn, Grand Teton Nat. Park, scattered, under Lodgepole pine

BPI 896111Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Park, Petrified Tree, Yellowstone National Park wyo On soil in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896112Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-20
United States, Wyoming, Park, Petrified Tree, Yellowstone National Park wyo On soil in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896181McKnight, K.H.   120391970-09-19
United States, New York, Schuyler, new Arnot Forest, in mixed conifer-hardwood forest

BPI 896182Plaskowitz, J. S.   1982-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Park, wy Petrified Tree, Yellowstone National Park, in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896321McKnight K.H.   110821968-08-09
United States, Wyoming, Park, Northeast Entrance, Yellowstone National Park wyo On mosses in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896325Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Park, Petrified Tree, Yellowstone National Park wyo On soil in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896327Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Park, Petrified Tree, Yellowstone National Park wyo On soil in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896338McKnight K.H.; McKnight K.B.; McKnight L.B.   1965-08-16
United States, Yellowstone National Park, Turbid Lake On soil in conifer forest

BPI 897741McKnight, K.H.   970822101997-08-22
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Moran wy South of highway 26, ca 2 miles west of Togwotee Lodge, gregarious, mixed coniferous subalpine forest

BPI 908605McKnight, K.H.   F82351965-08-09
United States, Wyoming, Park, Pebble Creek, Yellowstone National Park wy on soil under conifers

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