Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Phlegmacium pallidifolium (Cortinarius pallidifolius)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 929152K. B. McKnight   s.n.1965-08-09
United States, Wyoming, Pebble Creek, Yellowstone National Park

BPI 775467McKnight, K. H.   105121967-07-18
United States, Wyoming, Grand Teton National Park, Moose under aspen & lodgepole pine

BPI 775471McKnight, K. H.   105311967-07-22
United States, Idaho, Fremont, Big Spring under lodgepole pine

BPI 775499Smith, A. H.   1937-10-22
United States, Oregon, Blue River under douglas fir

BPI 896287Plaskowitz, J.   1982-09-06
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Snake River Picnic Grounds, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil in Picea-Populus forest

BPI 896295Plaskowitz, J.   1982-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Snake River Picnic Grounds, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil under spruce & cottonwood

BPI 896358McKnight K.H.   108351968-08-03
United States, Utah, Summit, Soapstone Junction uta On soil under Picea

BPI 896359McKnight K.H.   820911241982-09-11
United States, Wyoming, Park, Petrified Tree, Yellowstone National Park Park On mossy soil in Abies-Picea forest

BPI 896374McKnight K.H.   114181969-08-20
United States, Utah, Summit, Mirror Lake Road, Wasatch National Forest uta On soil in subalpine forest

BPI 896376Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-06
United States, Wyoming, Park, Northeast Entrance, Yellowstone National Park wy On soil in subalpine conifer forest

BPI 896377Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-23
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Snake River Picnic Grounds, Grand Teton National Park wyo On soil in Picea- Populus forest

BPI 896381Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Park, Northeast Entrance, Yellowstone National Park wy On decaying wood in mixed conifer forest

BPI 896384Plaskowitz J.   1982-08-11
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil in Picea- Populus forest

BPI 909163Moser   87/1971987-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Teton National Forest, Flaggstaff Road wy ca 1.5 mi. from eastern end

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