BPI 774905 Reid, D. A. 1974-09-21
England, West Sussex, Goodwood under beech
BPI 775227 Bresadola, G. 1923-10-00
Italy, Gocciadoro Margona Villa
BPI 775228 Groves, J. W. 1958-09-04
Canada, Quebec, Riviere Ouelle
BPI 775295 Dow, A. 83081007 1983-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, North Entrance mixed coniferous forest
BPI 775299 McKnight, K. H. 83081601 1983-08-16
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Teton National Forest, Turpin Meadow mixed coniferous forest
BPI 775303 Moser, M.; Dow, A. 83080403 1983-08-04
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Grand Teton National Park, Pilgrim Creek in Abies-Picea forest
BPI 775310 Smith, A. H. KHM13025 1972-10-27
United States, Idaho, Bonner, Kaniksu National Forest, Priest Lake Tule Bay, hardwood forest
BPI 775320 McKnight, K. H. 11126 1968-09-12
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Turpin Meadows mixed conifer forest
BPI 775323 Smith, A. H. 1953-08-25
United States, Michigan, Douglas Lake, 45.580949 -84.696261
BPI 775324 Andersson, O. 1948-09-06
Sweden, Skane Bara
BPI 894526 Moser, M. 1989-07-22
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, `wy Turpin Meadown, Teton National Forest, Pinus contorta, Pecia pungens & Picea engelmannii assoc.
BPI 894547 MCKNIGHT K. 1980-06-11
United States, Wyoming, Park, Turbid Lake; Yellowstone National Park wyo On decaying wood
BPI 894648 McKnight K.H. 87080803 1987-08-08
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Flagstaff Road, SE of Togwotee Lodge, Teton National Forest wyo On soil under Picea
BPI 894649 Ammirati, J. F. 1987-08-10
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Flagstaff road, ca 2 mi South of US 287, Teton National Forest wyo On soil in mixed conifer forest
BPI 894680 McKnight K.H. 91/144 1991-07-29
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Turpin Meadow, close above lodge, Teton National Forest wyo Picea engelmannii, Picea pungens, Pinus contorta community
BPI 895087 1987-08-26
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, wy 5 mi North of Union Pass, Shoshone National Forest
BPI 895277 McKnight K.H. F7653 1964-09-07
United States, Wyoming, Lake Butte, Yellowstone National Park wyo On moist soil under Conifer
BPI 895279 McKnight K.H. 82081149 1982-08-11
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, West Side Teton Pass,Teton National Forest wyo On decaying wood in subalpine conifer forest
BPI 895281 McKnight K.H. 80091908 1980-09-19
Denmark, Fuglsang, Storkov, Lolland On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest. Nordic Mycological Congress
BPI 895284 McKnight K.H. 11141 1968-09-13
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pilgrim Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy On duff in spruce-fir forest
BPI 895288 Plaskowitz J. 1982-08-07
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, West Side Teton Pass, Teton Natoinal Forest wyo On soil in subalpine conifer forest
BPI 895289 MCKNIGHT Kent H.; MCKNIGHT Vera B. 89082819 1989-08-28
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Five miles NE of Union Pass, Shoshone National Forest wyo On soil in subalpine, mixed coniferous forest
BPI 896192 McKnight, K.H.; McKnight, K.B.; McKnight, L.B. 1965-08-06
United States, Northeast Entrance, Yellowstone National Park, on soil under conifers
BPI 896194 McKnight, K.H. F8046 1965-07-07
United States, Elk Creek, on soil under conifers
BPI 896208 McKnight, K.H.; Hanks, D. 1962-08-30
United States, Idaho, Valley, id Payette Lakes
BPI 896242 1989-08-09
United States, Wyoming, Teton, 1 1/2 miles south of Togwotee Lodge Four-Mile Meadow road, Teton Nat'l. Forest wy Mois soil by Salix-edged swamp, mixed coniferous forest
BPI 896246 McKnight, K.H. 12689 1971-09-04
United States, Utah, Summit, Gilbert Creek, Wasatch National Forest ut On soil in spruce-fir forest
BPI 896254 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-08-11
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil in Picea-Populus forest
BPI 896256 Moser, M.; Dow, A. 1983-08-04
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pilgrim Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil in Abies-Picea forest
BPI 896257 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-07-27
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Cattle Bridge, Grand Teton National Park WY In mixed conifer forest
BPI 896264 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-07-28
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy On decaying wood in Picea-Populus forest
BPI 896265 McKnight, K.H. 87073101 1987-07-31
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Slide Canyon, Gros Ventre River, Teton National Forest wy On soil in mixed conifer forest
BPI 896271 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-08-05
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Pacific Creek, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil in Picea-Populus forest
BPI 896273 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-07-21
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Reid Mountain Ridge, Grand Teton National Park wy On soil in Populus tremuloides forest
BPI 896292 Korf, R. 1970-09-19
United States, New York, Schuyler, Arnot Forest ny On duff in mixec conifer-hardwood forest
BPI 896293 Plaskowitz, J. 1982-08-13
United States, Wyoming, Park, Northeast Entrance, Yellowstone National Park wy On decaying wood in mixed conifer forest
BPI 896432 McKnight K.H.; McKnight K.B.; McKnight L.B. 1965-08-06
United States, Northeast Entrance, Yellowstone National Park On soil under conifers
BPI 896438 Hanks D.; MCKNIGHT K. H. 1962-08-30
United States, Idaho, Valley, Payette Lakes ida On well- rotted wood and soil
BPI 896491 Moser 87/65 1987-07-23
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Turpin Meadow, Teton National Forest wy
BPI 897417 Smith A. H. 1972-10-27
United States, Idaho, Bonner, Tule Bay, Priest Lake, Kaniksu National Forest ida On soil in hardwood forest
BPI 901029 McKnight, V.B. 1991-08-05
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Horse Corral at Togwotee Lodge, Teton National Forest wy on duff; mixed coniferous forest
BPI 901033 McKnight, V.B. 1991-08-03
United States, Wyoming, Teton, Turpin Meadow, Teton National Forest wy on duff; mixed coniferous forest
BPI 903176 McKnight, V. B. 1991-08-30
United States, Wyoming, Shoshone, Lake-Of-The-Woods; Shoshone National Forest wy on soil; subalpine mixed coniferous forest
BPI 903214 McKnight K.H. 91090404 1991-09-04
United States, Wyoming, Teton, South of US 26 opposite Fourmile Meadow; Teton National Forest wy Gregarious to scattered. Subalpine mixed coniferous forest
BPI 905662 McKnight, K.H. 87081706 1987-08-17
United States, Wyoming, Fremont, Brooks Lake Loop Rd, ca 1 mile above Brooks Lake Lodge; Shoshone National Forest wy solitary; soil in subalpine coniferous forest
BPI 909288 McKnight, K.H. F7420 1964-08-21
United States, Sylvan Lake on buried wood