Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Leptosphaeria sepalorum (Bricookea sepalorum, Metasphaeria sepalorum)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 948499Bonar, Lee   s.n.1949-08-16
United States, Oregon, Klamath, South rim of Crater Lake, 42.906935 -122.107963

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 952867Cooke, Wm. Bridge   202641947-07-10
United States, California, Mt. Shasta near Squaw Valley Creek Meadows, 41.34161 -122.14307, 2591m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 952922Cooke W. B.; Cooke Vivian G.   24247;1948-07-12
United States, Washington, Mt. Baker National Forest, Whatcom Co. Subalpine Meadows along Washington Route #1 near Baker Lodge

BPI 737397Cooke W. B.; Cooke Vivian G.   24247;1948-07-12
United States, Washington, Mt. Baker National Forest, Whatcom Co. Subalpine Meadows along Washington Route #1 near Baker Lodge

BPI 737398Cooke W. B.; Cooke Vivian G.   20264;1947-07-10
United States, California, Squaw Valley Creek Meadows, Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou Co. alt. 8500 ft, near, 41.338867 -122.123441

BPI 737399Cooke W. B.; Cooke Vivian G.   29530;1954-07-01
United States, California, King Creek Trail, Lassen Volcanic National Park alt. 8000 ft., 40.46226 -121.446351

BPI 737400Cooke W. B.   103031938-09-17
United States, California, Cascade Gulch, Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou Co. alt. 7000 ft., 41.356567 -122.263132

BPI 737401Cooke Wm. Bridge   240551948-07-04
United States, California, Panther Creek Meadows, Mt. Shasta, Siskiyou Co. alt. 7600 ft., 41.354216 -122.19727

BPI 737402Bonar Lee   1949-08-16
United States, Oregon, Crater Lake, Klamath Co. open Dry Meadows, S. Rim of

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 748841Scheuer, Ch.   1986-06-17
Austria, Steiermark, Koralpe, ca. 16 km WNW von Deutschlandsberg, S-Abhang der Handaalpe kurz oberhalb der Weinebene Quellflur an einem Rinnsal, GF 9156/3, 46.833333333 15.016666667, 1760m

BPI 867657W. B. C.; V. G. C.   242471948-07-12
United States, Washington, Whatcomb, Mt. Baker Naational Forest meadows along Washington Route 1, near Mt. Baker Lodge, 48.863458 -121.682363

BPI 867658Cooke, Wm. Bridge   202641947-07-10
United States, California, Siskiyou, Mt. Shasta near Squaw Valley Creek Meadows, 41.34161 -122.14307, 2591m

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