Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Apiocamarops
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

Page 1, records 1-7 of 7

U.S. National Fungus Collections

BPI 1100680Rossman Amy   22941985-02-23
Venezuela, Amazon Territory, Cerro de La Neblina, 6.2 Km. N. N. E. Pico Phelps (=neblina) 00d 51' 45'n, 65d 58' 52'w, alt. 1390-1515 meters

BPI 1104480Rossman Amy; Feuillet C.   AR 3280;1988-02-20
French Guiana, Montage Torete Route De belizon, 15 km. from road, Track to

BPI 1104481Rossman A.; Feuillet C.   AR 3156;1988-02-14
French Guiana, 70 km E of Cayennne Montagne Cacao, Piste Coralie., 2.349904 -52.57706

BPI 1104482Rossman Amy R.; Feuillet C.   AR 3151;1988-02-14
French Guiana, Cayennne, Montagne Cacao, Piste Coralie 70 km. E. of

BPI 1104551Rossman A.   AR 33771988-02-27
French Guiana, Montagne de Kaw, 4.538679 -52.136873

BPI 747857Samuels, G. J.   1998-06-11
Puerto Rico, Rio Grande, Caribbean National Forest, Loquillo Mts. Tradewinds Trail, 18.314692 -65.813079, 950m

BPI 747220Samuels, G. J.; Pipoly, J.; Gharbarran, G.   5014;1987-02-25
Guyana, Cuyuni-Mazaruni Region, VII, Mazaruni Subregion, VII-2, along Koatse R, ca. 2 km E of Pong R., 5.466666667 -60.066666667, 600m

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