Search Results (List)

Dataset: All Collections
Taxa: Anthracoidea carphae (Cintractia carphae, Cintractia waiouru)
Search Criteria: excluding cultivated/captive occurrences

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U.S. National Fungus Collections

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 1113310MCKENZIE E. H. C.   1988-02-25
New Zealand, South Island, Temple Basin 42d55's,171d34'e, 580m

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 1113409Wedin M.   WEDIN 12181989-01-22
Chile, Prov. Magellanes, Isla Navarino alt. ca. 350 meters, 55d59's,67d35'w, 6,5 km. S. Pto. Williams

BPI 171442Spegazzini   1882-03-00
Argentina, Port Cook, Isla de Los Estados, Tierra del Fuego near

BPI 195043Dingley Joan M.   1945-04-00
New Zealand, Auckland, Waihouhounu Stream, Natonal Park

Image Associated With the Occurence
BPI 748638Vanky, C.; Vanky, K.   1996-03-07
Australia, Tasmania, Mount Field National Park c. 90 km NW of Hobart, bog called Wombat Moor, -42.666666667 146.5, 1070m

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