BPI 750203 McKnight, V. B. 16610 1979-08-02
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, Cedarville State Park in mixed pine-hardwood forest, 38.637933 -76.819569
BPI 750204 McKnight, Vera B. 81090801 1981-09-08
United States, Maryland, Anne Arundel, Fort Meade at edge of hardwood forest, 38.994157 -76.567597
BPI 750226 Miller, Mark 14520 1976-09-18
United States, Virginia, Hanover, Ashland, Rt 1, 1 mi N of Roller Mills & North Anna River under Pinus taeda, 37.819381 -77.409773
BPI 750228 Miller, Mark KHM 14517 1976-09-18
United States, Virginia, Hanover, Ashland vicinity, Rt 1, 1 mi N of Roller Mills and North Anna River under Pinus taeda, 37.819381 -77.409773
BPI 894045 MCKNIGHT V. B. 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, mass Miles Standish State Forest, in oak-pine forest
BPI 894046 MCKNIGHT K. 1981-08-20
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, mary Fort Meade, under hardwood and Pinus, 39.10331 -76.73681
BPI 894047 McKnight K.H. 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, mass Miles Standish State Forest
BPI 894048 McKnight K.H. 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, mass Miles Standish State Forest, in mixed conifer-hardwood forest
BPI 894049 McKnight K.H. 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, masss Miles Standish State Forest, in mixed conifer-hardwood forest
BPI 894096 MCKNIGHT V. B. 1979-10-02
United States, North Carolina, Polk, Mill Spring nort On soild under pine, 35.297616 -82.161224
BPI 894191 McKnight, V. B. 1979-10-01
United States, North Carolina, Transylvania, near Brevard not Sherwood Forest Estates, in mixed conifer-hardwood forest, 35.245785 -82.723306
BPI 894205 McKnight K.H. 13260 1972-10-23
United States, Maryland, Charles, Cedarville State Park mary On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest., 38.637933 -76.819569
BPI 894239 Wurdock, K 1978-08-08
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, Barc- W, Beltsville mar, 39.025798 -76.931635
BPI 894240 McKnight K.H. 16862a 1979-10-05
United States, North Carolina, Wake, Benson Memorial Methodist Church, junction of US-70 & NC- 50, Raleigh north On soil under mixed hardwoods and Pinus., 35.845917 -78.679111
BPI 894246 McKnight K.H. 16650 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Miles Standish State Forest massa On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest.
BPI 894247 Ruch, D. 1979-08-15
United States, Virginia, Buckingham, Buckingham- Appomattox State Forest virg In mixed hardwoods- Virginia pine forest
BPI 894252 McKnight K.H. 13728 1973-07-26
United States, Maryland, Montgomery, Burning Tree Recreation Center mar On eroded hillside along abandoned road in decidious forest, 38.995882 -77.145623
BPI 894285 McKnight K.H. 16648 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Miles Standish State Forest mass On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest.
BPI 894286 McKnight K.H. 14216 1974-08-28
United States, Maryland, Howard, Hilton Area, Patapsco State Park Mary On soil in hardwood forest, 39.245167 -76.744611
BPI 894287 McKnight K.H. 16838 1979-10-05
United States, North Carolina, Wake, Benson Memorial Methodist Church, junction of US-70 & NC-50, Raleigh north On soil under mixed hardwoods & Pinus, 35.845917 -78.679111
BPI 894288 McKnight K.H. 16645 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Miles Standish State Forest PlymoutMass On soil in mixed hardwood- conifer forest
BPI 894289 McKnight K.H. 11345 1969-09-28
United States, Maryland, Frederick, Cunningham Falls State Park mary On soil in hardwood forest, 39.60451 -77.460391
BPI 894290 McKnight K.H. 16647 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Miles Standish State Forest mass On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest
BPI 894291 Miller M. 14793 1977-10-19
United States, Virginia, Hanover, 1 mi North of Roller Mills and N. Austria River along RT. 1 Vicinity of Ashland virg On soil under Loblolly pine
BPI 894292 MCKNIGHT V. B. 16622 1979-08-02
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, Cedarville State Park mary On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest, 38.637933 -76.819569
BPI 894293 McKnight K.H. 13702 1973-07-19
United States, Maryland, Charles, Cedarville State Park Mar On sandy soil in hardwood forest, 38.637933 -76.819569
BPI 894294 McKnight K.H. 16649 1979-08-27
United States, Massachusetts, Plymouth, Miles Standish State Forest mass On soil in mixed conifer-hardwood forest
BPI 894295 McKnight K.H. 16827 1979-10-04
United States, North Carolina, Wake, Benson Memorial Methodist Church, junction of US- 70 and NC- 50, Raleigh north On soil in mixed hardwood- southern pine forest., 35.845917 -78.679111
BPI 894296 Gold S. 14391 1975-07-22
United States, Virginia, Fairfax, Dranesville Park vir On soil in mixed woods
BPI 894339 1973-07-14
United States, District of Columbia, Washington DC, wash Rock Creek Park, 38.962892 -77.046027
BPI 900091 Hacskaylo E. 1979-08-08
United States, Maryland, Beltsville Barc-west, Pinus sp, Woods, 39.025798 -76.931635
BPI 901217 McKnight, K.H.; McKnight, V.B. 1979-08-02
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, Cedarville State Park mary on soil in mixed pine-hardwood forest, 38.637933 -76.819569
BPI 901243 McKnight, K.H. 1979-08-08
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, Woods by Science Bldg. BARC-W mar on soil in mixed hardwood-pine forest, 39.025798 -76.931635
BPI 904389 Snyder, R. 1976-10-23
United States, Maryland, Charles, Cedarville State Park mar on soil under Hardwood, 38.637933 -76.819569
BPI 904392 McKnight, K. H.; McKnight, K. 1974-08-21
United States, Maryland, Prince Georges, Virginia Manor Rd, Beltsville mar on lawn, 39.06041 -76.89216